B6. Aggregate Excess Lost Cost Estimation Flashcards
How to build Table M
6 columns
- Claim Amount ($) = start at 0, end with max
- # of claims
- Entry Ratio (r) = Claim Amount / Average Claim Amount
- # and % of claims above claim amount
- Φ(r) = Φ(r+1)+(r+1-r)(% claims above r)
- Ψ(r) = Φ(r) + r - 1
E[L] / Net Insurance Charge (I)
E[Ratable Loss] for Regular Table M
E[L] / E[A] = 1 + savings(h) - charge(g)
E[L] = E[A] - [charge(g) - savings(h)]E[A] = E[A] - I
* where I = [charge(g) - savings(h)]E[A]
* where r = Actual Loss / Expected Loss = A/E[A]
Regular Table M
E[R] / GCP / Expense Component of Basic Premium
When are they =?
Equal in a balanced retrospective plan:
E[R] = (B+c(E[A] - I))T
GCP = (e+E[A])T
* where e = total expenses and profit (not in T)
Solve for B = e-(c-1)E[A] + cI
Expense component: e-(c-1)E[A]
Table M / Limited Table M / Table L
Φ(rH) - Φ(rG) / rG -rH
charge(rH) - charge(rG) = (e+E[A])T - H / cE[A]T
rG -rH = G-H / cE[A]T
charge(rH) - charge(rG) = (e+E[A])T - H / cE[Ad]T
rG -rH = G-H / cE[Ad]T
Table M formula same as Table L
Calculate Insurance Charge (Vertically)
What about for Table L
- Loss
- Entry Ratio (r)
- Excess of r (min 0)
- Charge = sum(excess of r) / n
- Table L Charge = sum(excess of r) / n + k
Limited Table M
Entry Ratio (r)
What about for deductible (per occurance and aggregate)?
r = Ad / E[Ad]
E[Ad] = (1-k)E[A]
* where k = XS Ratio
r = Agg Deductible Limit / E[Ad]
* where E[Ad] = (1-k)*E[A]
Limited Table M / Table L
Expected Loss Cost
Limited Table M: k*E[A] + charge(r) * E[Ad]
Table L: charge(r) * E[A]
Limited Table M / Table L
Basic Limit Premium
B(LM) = e-(c-1)E[A]+c(I+kE[A])
B(L) = e-(c-1)E[A]+cI
* Same as regular table M
Large Dollar Deductible (LDD) Pricing
LDD Premium
ICRLL Approx
Adjusted Expected Loss
AEL = E[A] * State Hazard Group Diff * (1+0.8k) / (1-k)