B5 Non communicable disease Flashcards
What is a non-communicable disease?
A disease that is not infectious and cannot be transferred from person to person
What is meant by the term risk factor?
A risk factor increases the chance of getting a disease
Name three risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Poor diet
Increased smoking
Lack of exercise
Which organs are damaged by alcohol?
Name a disease that obesity is a risk factor for
Type 2 diabetes
Name a risk factor for lung disease and lung cancer
Give an example of a carcinogen and what effect can this have on the body/
Ionising radiation
Risk factor for cancer
Smoking and the use of alcohol can have an effect on unborn babies.
True or false
Give a description of cancer
Changes to cells leads to uncontrolled growth and division
What is a benign tumour?
Growth of abnormal cells
Contained in one area usually within a membrane
Benign tumours do not invade other parts of the body
What is a malignant tumour?
Malignant cells invade neighbouring tissues
Spread to different parts of the body in the blood
Form secondary tumours.
What damage does alcohol cause?
Cirrhosis of the liver
Liver cancer
Brain damage
Damages unborn babies
Define health
State of physical and mental well-being
List the factors that have a profound effec ton physical and mental health
Why is a person with HIV more likley to suffer from infectious diseases?
HIV destroys white blood cells
White blood cells protect the body
Loss of white blood cells means body cannot produce antitoixisn or antibodies
Cells can be damaged or killed by the pathogen
Severe physical ill health can lead to …..
depression and other mental illnesses
Give an example of an allergy
Skin rashes
What can cause an allergy/
Initial immune responseto a pathogen
Give two factors that can affect unborn babies
How can cardiovascualr disease be treated?
Name a drug used to treat cardiovascular disease
What causes the reduction in blood flow in conronary heart disease?
Why does coronary heart disease lead to the death of heart cells?
Coronary arteries narrowed by fatty material
Less blood flow to heart cells
Less oxygen delivered to he herart cells.
Heart cells die
How do statins reduce the effects of conronary heart disease?
Statins reduce blood cholesterol
Reduces the build up of fatty material in the coronary arteries