B5 - Economic Concepts Flashcards
How is GDP calculated under the expenditure approach?
Under the expenditure approach, GCP is calculated by summing total expenditures in the domestic economy.
GDP is calculated as:
Government purchases of goods and services + Gross private domestic investment + Personal _c_onsumption expenditures + Net _e_xports (exports minus imports)
How is GDP calculated under the income approach?
Under the income approach, GDP is calculated by summing the value of resource costs and incomes generated during the measurement period. GDP is calculated as:
Income of proprietors + _P_rofits of corporations + _I_nterest (net) + Rental income + _A_djustments for net foreign income + _T_axes (indirect business taxes) + _E_mployee compensation (wages) + _D_epreciation (capital consumption allowance)
What are the causes of deand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation?
Demand-pull inflation is caused by increases in aggregate demand. Thus, demand-pull inflation could be caused by factors such as increases in government spending, decreases in taxes, increases in wealth, increases in consumer confidence, and increases in the money supply.
Cost-push inflation is caused by reductions in short-run aggregate supply. Thus, cost-push inflation could be caused by factors such as an increase in oil prices and an increase in nominal wages.
What is the difference between nominal GDP and real GDP?