B5 - Disease Flashcards
What are the main symptoms of measles?
Fever and a red skin rash
How is measles spread?
Spread by inhalation of droplets from coughs or sneezes and is very infectuous
How is measles treated?
There is no treatment for measles so if someone becomes infected then they need to be isolated to stop the spread of the virus
Why is measles now rare in the UK?
Measles is now rare in the UK as a result of improved living conditions and a vaccination programme for young children
With HIV, what are the symptoms to begin with?
The virus only causes a mild flu-like illness to begin with so many don’t realise they have it
How does the HIV virus cause damage? How does it lead to Aids?
It attacks the immune cells and after after the initial mild illness, it remains hidden inside the immune system, sometimes for years until the immune system is so badly damaged that it can no longer deal with certain cancers or infections. At this point, the patient has developed Aids.
How is HIV spread?
HIV is spread by direct sexual contact and the body exchanges body fluids, such as blood which occurs when drug users share needles or unscreened blood is used for transfusions. It could also be passed on by breastfeeding
How is HIV treated?
There is no cure for HIV/AIDS, however the spread of the disease can by prevented by using condoms, screening blood for transfusions, not sharing needles and HIV-positive mothers bottle-feeding children
What does TMV stand for?
Tobacco Mosaic Virus
Which plants are affected by TMV?
It affects around 150 species of plant, including tomatoes and tobacco plants
Why is TMV called a ‘mosaic’ virus?
It is called a ‘mosaic’ virus as it causes a distinctive mosaic pattern of discoloration on the leaves as the virus destroys the cells, affecting the growth of the plant.
How is TMV spread?
It is spread by contact between diseased plant material and healthy plants and insects can act as vectors
How is TMV treated?
There is no treatment and farmers now grow TMV-resistant strains of many crop plants. Good field hygiene and good pest control can help to prevent the spread of TMV
What are Salmonella and where are they found?
Salmonella are bacteria that live in the guts of many different animals, found on raw meat, poultry, eggs and egg products such as mayonnaise
What are the symptoms of salmonella infection?
The symptoms of a salmonella infection develop within 8-72 hours of eating infected food, including fever, abdomial cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea, caused by the bacteria and toxins they secrete