B4T3- Obtaining Linguistic Data Flashcards
Introspection, introspective
Thinking about yourself.
Examining and considering your own idea, thoughts and feelings, instead of talking to other people about them.
Eg. She is famous for her introspective songs about failed relationships.
Ambiguity /.am BI qju: i ti /
When Sth is not clear.
(an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly confusion.
Eg. We wish to remove any ambiguity concerning our demands.
There are some ambiguities in the legislation.
The law ought to be tightened to avoid any ambiguity.
Impossible to stop or prevent
An utterance
Sth that is spoken.
Sth that someone say.
Eg. The senator’s recent utterances were promptly rebutted by three of his colleagues on Monday.
/SKRU: pju lous/
Very thorough or detailed.
Extremely honest, or doing everything correctly as it should be done.
Eg. A scrupulous politician would not lie about her business interests.
The nurse told him to be scrupulous (extremely careful) about keeping the wound clean.
She is always scrupulously honest or fair.
A hospital must be kept scrupulously clean.
To anticipate
To predict what will happen
To elicit
/ i LISit /
To prompt students to give you the answer to Sth.
To get or produce something, especially information or reaction.
Eg. Have you managed to elicit a response from them yet.
The questionnaire was intended to elicit information on eating habits.
They were able to elicit the support of the public.
A transcript
A written record of speech
To derive
To get Sth from Sth
To supplement
To add Sth extra
A procedure
How Sth is done
Mother tongue
Your first language
The ability to keep speaking
Able to speak two languages
/ un.BAI.est /
Objective or fair.
Able to judge fairly because you are not influenced by your own opinions.
Eg. Unbiased advice.
An unbiased opinion.
Showing an unreasonable like or dislike for a person based on personal opinion.
Eg. The newspapers gave a very biased report of the meeting.
I think she is beautiful but then I’m biased since she’s my daughter.