B4.6-7 Plant Tissues And Organs Flashcards
What are the main
symptoms of Measles?
Fever and a red skin rash
How is Measles spread?
The inhalation of droplets from coughs and sneezes
How is Measles treated?
There is no treatment, only a vaccination
Why is Measles rare in the UK? (2 answers)
An improved living condition and vaccination programme
What are the initial symptoms of HIV?
A mild-like flu illness
How does HIV cause virus damage, and how does it lead to AIDS?
HIV attacks immune cells and remains hidden until your body can no longer deal with infections or cancers
How is HIV spread?
HIV can be spread through sexual contact and the transferring of blood
How is HIV treated?
HIV has no cure, so antiretroviral drugs are used
Which plants are affected by TMV?
Tomato and tobacco plants
Why is TMV called a ‘mosaic’ virus?
It creates a mosaic pattern when destroying the cells
How is TMV spread?
Its spread through contact, an insects act as vendors
How is TMV treated?
There is no treatment so farmers grow TMV resistant drugs
What are salmonella and where are they found?
Salmonella is bacteria found in the gut of many animals
What are some symptoms of Salmonella?
A fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea
How can salmonella infection be prevented?
Keep raw chicken away from other foods and wash your hands and the workspace after handling chicken.
What is Gonorrhoea?
Gonorrhoea is a Bacterial sexually transmitted infection. Some strands may even by anti-biotic resistant
How is Gonorrhoea spread?
Unprotected sexual contact with an infected person
What are the symptoms of Gonorrhoea?
Short-term include a thick yellow or green discharge from the penis or vagina, or pain when urinating. Long-term include pelvic pain, infertility and ectopic pregnancies
What are symptoms of a Rose Black Spot?
It causes a purple or black spot to form on leaves, which often turns yellow and drops off the plant.
How is Rose Black Spot spread?
Spores of the fungus are carried through the wind and settles on leafs and roots of plants
How can Rose Black Spot be prevented?
Removing and burning the leaves, chemical fungicides or breeding plants that are more resistant than natural ones.
What does ‘parasite’ mean?
A protist parasite is one that lives and feeds on living organisms
How are mosquitos involved in the spread of the
malarial protist parasite?
Mosquitos act as vendors, where the protists are released when it feeds on humans.
What are symptoms of malaria?
Recurrent episodes of fever and shaking, it weakens the affected person over time
Give four ways the effect of malaria can be controlled:
Net with insecticide, insecticides to kill mosquitos in buildings, removing all the standing water and taking antimalarial drugs.