B.2. Proteins and Enzymes Flashcards
All amino acids except glysine have what?
2-carbon atom that is a chiral carbon
glysine has H=R
As a result of zwitterions what state and form do amino acids exist in?
As result of electrostatic forces betw/ the zwitterions
→ form crystalline solid w/ high mp
Why are amino acids much more soluble in water than in non-polar solvents?
The presence of ions allow bonding w/ polar water molecules
As the non-polar R group gets larger what happens to solubility?
Less soluble in water
What is the bond formed from condensation reactions of aa?
peptide bond/linkage
When forming condensation reactions, by convention where are the 2 functional groups?
+ Terminal amino-group one the RHS
+ Terminal carboxylic acid group on the LHS
Peptide chains can undergo hydrolysis in the presence of what?
Strong acid
Strong base
Primary structure of protein
How the aa’s stringed together
Secondary structure of protein
How the polypeptide chain or aa folds itself
InTRA-chain hydrogen bonding
+ Due to regular H-bonds between (δ-) oxygen of -C=O and the (δ+) hydrogen of the NH2- group
Examples of α-helix proteins
+ Fibrous protein elastic or sponge
+ Hair or wool
β-pleated sheets
InTER-chain hydrogen bonding
+ polypeptide chains and the aa’s have rather small side chains
+ CHAINS are bound together by H.bond
+ orderly alignment or polypeptide chains arranges side to side
+ direction of H.bond = perpendicular to chain
Example of β-pleated sheets
+ Fibrous protein = Silk