B2 Aversion Flashcards
Detesto que
I detest that + subjuntive
Odio que
I hate that + subjuntive
No soporto que
I don’t support that + subjuntive
No aguanto que
I can’t endure that + subjuntive
Detesto + infinitivo
e.g I detest fighting
Odio + infinitivo
e.g I hate eating
No soporto + infinitivo
e.g I don’t support breathing
No aguanto + infinitivo
e.g I can’t endure drinking
Me molesta que
It bothers me that + subjuntive
Me disgusta que
It disgusts me that + subjuntive
Me horroriza que
It horrifies me that + subjuntive
Me da asco que
It makes me sick that + subjuntive
Me molesta + infinitivo
e.g Eating bothers me
Me disgusta + infinitivo
e.g Drinking disgusts me
Me horroriza + infinitivo
e.g Showering horrifies me
Me da asco + infinitivo
e.g Fighting makes me sick
No hay nadie que + presente de subjuntivo
e.g There is noone that speaks to me on sundays
No hay quien + presente de subjuntivo
e.g There is noone who drinks with me on sundays