B14 How materials are recycled Flashcards
The diagram shows the water cycle.
Name and describe the process labelled 1

Water changes from a liquid into water vapour
The diagram shows the water cycle.
Name and describe the process labelled 3

Water vaapour changes into water droplets and forms couds.
The diagram shows the water cycle.
Name and describe the process labelled 4

Rain/snow/hail/ falls from the clouds
The diagram shows the water cycle.
Name and describe the process labelled 6

Water runs off the land and infiltrates the rocks
The diagram shows the water cycle.
Name and describe the process labelled 2

Water vapour leaves the leaf through the stomata and enters the atmosphere
The diagram shows the water cycle.
Name and describe the process labelled 5

Run off
Rain water flows into the rivers and streams to the sea
The diagram shows the carbon cycle.
Name the process labelled A

The diagram shows the carbon cycle.
Name the process labelled B

Respiration by plants
The diagram shows the carbon cycle.
Name the process labelled C

Decomposition or decay
The diagram shows the carbon cycle.
Name the process labelled D

The diagram shows the carbon cycle.
Name processes A and B

A = Respiration
B = Photosynthesis
Describe how carbon dioxide is removed from the atmpsphere
Used in photosynthesis
Diffuses inotthe leaf through the stomata
Carbon dixoide reacts with water to form glucose
Light prvides the enregy for the reaction
Descrbie the role of microorganisms in returning carbon to the atmpshere from dead plants and animals
Dead plants and animals decomposed
By microorganisms
Microorganisms respire the carbon compounds in the dead material
Releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Descrbie the role of microorganisms in returning minerals from dead plants and animals to the soil
Dead plants and animals decomposed
By microorganisms
Microorganisms release the minerals from the dead material
Releases minerals into the soil
Minerals abslorbed by plants