B1: Understanding Organisms Flashcards
What is cardiovascular activity?
How well the heart copes with aerobic exercise and how quickly it recovers afterwards. It is often used as a measure of general fitness.
What factors are known to increase blood pressure?
High Stress Levels Smoking Excess Alcohol Excess Weight Eating High Levels of Salt Eating High Levels of Saturated Fat
A balanced diet much contain what?
Carbohydrates and fats to provide energy.
Protein for growth and repair of tissues (and energy if fats and carbohydrates are unavailable).
What substances are needed in a balanced diet to keep us healthy?
Minerals, such as Iron, which is needed to make haemoglobin in red blood cells.
Vitamins, such as Vitamin C which is needed to prevent scurvy.
Fibre, which prevents constipation.
Water, which prevents dehydration.
What is the formula for working out your BMI?
BMI = Mass (kg) divided by (Height in m)²
What is the recommended BMI between?
What are the 4 pathogen types?
Fungi, e.g. Athlete’s Foot.
Viruses, e.g. Flu.
Bacteria, e.g. Cholera.
Protozoa, e.g. Malaria, Amoebic dysentery.
What are the 5 Drug types?
Stimulants, e.g. Caffeine.
Depressants or sedatives, e.g. Alcohol.
Painkillers or anaesthetics, e.g. Aspirin.
PEDS (Performance-Enhancing Drugs, e.g. Anabolic Steroids.
Hallucinogens, e.g. Cannabis, LSD.
What are the 3 Classes of Drugs?
Class A - e.g. Heroin
Class B - e.g. Cannabis
Class C - e.g. Anabolic Steroids
What is the definition of a Social issue?
They impact on the human population of a community, city, country or the world.
What is the definition of an Environmental issue?
They impact on the planet, its natural ecosystems and resources.
What is the definition of an Economic issue?
Money and related factors such as employment and the distribution of resources.
What is the definition of an Ethical issue?
What is right and wrong morally; a value judgement must be make.
What is the definition of a Cultural issue?
Giving an insight into differences between people on local and global scales.
How is blood pressure measured?
Blood Pressure is a measure of the force of blood per unit area as it flows through the arteries. It is measured in mm Hg (millimetres of mercury).
How do you work out the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for protein?
EAR Protein (g) = 0.6 x Body Mass (kg).
What can noninfectious diseases be caused by?
Poor Diet, e.g. lack of Vitamin C causes scurvy.
Organ Malfunction, e.g. the pancreas can stop producing insulin which causes diabetes.
Genetic Inheritance, e.g. Cystic Fibrosis is a gene which can be inherited by parents even if the parents themselves don’t have it.
What are voluntary responses?
They are under the conscious control of the brain, i.e. the person decides how to react to a stimulus. e.g. Pressure Receptors.
What are reflex actions?
They give fast, automatic responses to a stimulus, helping protect the body from harm. The pathway for receiving and acting on information is called the reflex arc. e.g. The knee-jerk reaction when a certain spot in the knee is tapped.