B1. Distributions for Actuaries Flashcards
2 things covered by a risk charge
- process risk: random deviations of losses from expected values ( greater if higher limits or higher attachment points)
- parameter risk: uncertainty in the selection of the parameters describing the loss process
ILF assumptions
-all underwriting expense and profit are variable but do not vary with limit (In practice, profit loads might be
higher for higher limits since they are more volatile)
-frequency is independent of severity
-frequency is the same for all limits (may be violated if there is adverse/ favorable selection) ***
ILF methods
(1) empirical data
(2) theoretical curve
Empirical losses at higher limits may be volatile. Curve fitting can smooth out the volatility.
Gaps, intervals with no claims. Empirical losses may not reach maximum policy limits, so no factor can be calculated (free cover). Curve fitting can extrapolate losses to higher limits.
***Losses used in fitting the curve may develop further.
Immature losses from recent policy year. Curve fitting can take loss development into consideration
The credibility at the high end of the distribution is a concern. Curve fitting fits a curve that maximizes the likelihood of all reported losses. ***
Distribution bias, result from data on losses generated from different limits
cluster pts: maybe artificial
- appear at points other than policy limits
- case reserves are often rounded
Practical interpretation of ILF consistency
If limits increase, rates should increase less for higher limits than for lower limits:
- expected loss do not increase as much as limit since most are partial losses
- less losses are expected to reach higher layers
Why a set of ILF may fail consistency but still generate reasonable rates
Adverse selection:
-insureds that are more likely to have large losses buy higher limits
-**jury verdicts have higher awards when the insured has a higher limit **
Favorable selection:
- insureds that are financially secure may protect themselves with higher limits
- brokers offering higher limits when they feel the insured is a good risk
How to demonstrate a set of ILF is affected by anti-selection
by comparing the ILF calculated on a specific group vs the ILF calculate on the whole population
Impact of inflation on loss layers
scenario 1 : If losses are below retention: -inflation pushes them in XS layer - impact is = infinity -XS inflation > inflation
If losses are above retention: -inflation makes them bigger. scenario 2 : If capped by upper limit ( if there is one) - XS inflation <= inflation scenario 3 : if not capped by upper limit - XS inflation vs inflation is unknown
if light tail scenario 1 is the most frequent
if heavy tail, scenario 2-3 are the most frequent
so impact of inflation on excesse losse is lower
2 phenomena affecting XS ratios
- different loss development for different sizes of loss
2. dispersion effect (variance of sev dist) affects the XS ratio
Impact of simple dispersion
Simple dispersion: maintains the mean but increases the variance by a scaling (increases the CoV)
-increases XS ratio(for high limit) and alters XS ratio(for lower limit)
Impact of gamma dispersion
Gamma dispersion: simple dispersion where the scaling is a gamma dist
- allows extreme values with small prob (leads to more variance, higher CoV)
- increases much more XS ratio( for high limit)
Interpretation of gamma dispersion applied to pareto losses
- if alpha of pareto is smaller, heavier tail, higher dispersion effect
- if CoV of gamma is higher, higher variance, higher dispersion effect
Claim contagion parameter
accounts for claims not being independent of each other(where 1 claim encourages others to file a claim too)
Issue with fitting excess severity curves
Data usually thin and volatile at the higher amounts β difficult to see a pattern
size method preferred :
when empirical data is not available and integrals need to be evaluated algebraically.
when calculating expected losses at one limt as it is more intuitive to explain
layer method preferred:
when survival function is easy to integrate
when calculating expected losses at many limites