B I B L E E X A M R E V I E W F L A S H C A R D S Flashcards
Bible Exam Review
A pattern of ideas and beliefs that help us make sense of the world and that guide our decisions and actions.
An overarching story of events that provides a structure for people’s beliefs and gives meaning to their experiences.
The way of life of a particular people as shown in their ordinary behavior,habits,attitudes toward others,and their moral and religious beliefs.
Popular culture
A collection of values, themes, ideas, and behavior popularized mainly through media and technology.
What is the key verse?
2 Corinthians 10:5- We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
An idea is a thought,plan,or suggestion about what to do; something you imagine or picture in your mind.
New spirituality?
Teaches that God is consciousness and we are all God.
The world is atheistic, materialistic,and anti-religious.
Denies the existence of God and absolute truth.
Four major relationships?
With God,Ourselves,Others,and the rest of creation.
Four steps of progression?
Creation, The fall, Redemption, Restoration.
What about God?
What is true and how do we know?
What is life’s origin?
What is human nature?
How should we behave?
What makes a healthy society?
What is the meaning of history?
2 Metaphors used in Lesson 1 and why they illustrate a worldview?
Eyeglasses, and a map.