B & E TENTA Flashcards
(Skapare: Josef Mara) Hej innan du utnyttjar dessa cards ha i åtanke: OBS läs GÄRNA hela beskrivningen/description. Jag har gjort detta med hjälp av Chat GPT, alltså tat fram alla svar. Jag är inte ansvarig för om några svar är fel utan det är ditt val hur du vill plugga.
1 Which of the constellation forms the most completed venture team description?
Management team, Board of Directors, Lenders and Investors, Other Professionals (consultants), Board of Advisors, Key Employees, Founders
2 The most common reason for choosing to become an entrepreneur is according to the course
To be my own boss
3 What is correct regarding GEM and TEA
GEM, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor updates yearly the TEA, Total entrepreneurial activity in different countries
4 In which order would you ideally handle the development of the proposed business venture?
Idea => Opportunity => Feasibility analysis
5 Which of the following statements is true regarding Swedish legal foundations? (A sole…)
A sole proprietorship doesn’t require any minimum capital
6 What does incubation mean in an entrepreneurial context?
The stage of the creative process during which an entrepreneur considers the idea or thinks about a problem
7 What does preparation mean in the context of entrepreneurial creativity?
Bringing the background, experience and knowledge to recognize an opportunity
8 Intrapreneurship is
When units of a larger corporation encourage, allows and applies entrepreneurial conditions for the employees
9 What is correct about business model?
Business models are used to explain how an entrepreneurial initiative is adding value to customers and to the company
10 What is correct about disruptive business models
Disruptive business models are characterized by that they have impact on the way business is conducted over a whole industry
11 the difference between B2B and B2C is that
B2B regards business between companies and B2C regards business between a company and a private consumer
12 Which of the following statements regarding the five forces model is wrong? (not dev professor…)
The five forces model was developed by professor E Silverstein in the 1950’s
13 Which of the following competitive situations is the most obvious threat of substitute? (transport..)
Bicycle sales vs free public transportation
14 What is the difference between public and private corporations?
Both types of corporations are owned by shareholders, but only shares of a public corporation are traded at public stock markets
15 What is correct regarding the forces bargaining power of suppliers or bargaining power of buyers?
The strongest bargaining power relates to the combination of which of the parties is the largest and the number of alternative parties, i.e., the number of alternative buyers and sellers
16 Which of the following statements regarding Swedish legal forms of business organizations is NOT correct?
(not double…)
Private corporations must have a minimum share capital of 50000 kr
17 Which of the following are NOT listed as one of the four most suitable competencies for a founder of a start-up?
(level of edu…)
Finance know-how
18 The five forces model is primarily used for:
Understanding an industry’s structure and to determine industry profitability
19 The four forms of intellectual property are
Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade secret
20 Which are the main reasons for needing financing of a start-up?
Cash flow, Investments, Development
22 Which are the major advantages for becoming a franchisor?
Low cost, Income growth, Access to ideas
23 What is meant by a unicorn in the venture capital world?
(high value…)
A venture capital tech company valued at a billion US dollars or more
24 Which is correct?
(a board of…)
A board of directors in is always a legal requirement in a shareholders’ company
25 Which are according to the course the four most common day-to-day challenges of a growing firm?
Cash flow management, Price stability, Capital constraints, Quality control
26 Which of the following statements is correct? (Scope and Scale…)
Economy of scope is achieved by adding more product variation while economy of scale is achieved by producing more of the same product
27 Which is correct the following growth strategies (according to the course literature)? (merger)
A “merger” is when firms make an agreement on equal terms to become one firm all together
28 Which of the following statements is not true? (efficiency through specialization)
The drive for to reach resource efficiency through specialization is mostly important for large countries free trade
29 Which of the following statements is not true? (blocs and trade)
Trade blocs and free trade areas increase trade restrictions
30 Which of the following statements is not true?(prefect competitions)
High profit levels will be reached under Prefect competitions
31 Which of the following statements is not true? (Definition GATT)
GATT is an acronym for General Acceptance of Trade and Tolls
32 Which of the following statements is not true? (effects of restricted trade)
A negative effect of free trade is that the amount of research and development decreases, due to the increased competition between firms and organizations.
33 Which of the following statements is true? (Agenda 2030)
The United Nation’s (UN) Agenda 2030 aim to eradicate poverty, stop climate change, and create peaceful and secure societies
34 Which of the following statements is true? (gender social norm)
The Gender Social Norm Index shows a very large percent of women and men worldwide have a gender social norm bias
35 Which of the following statements is true? (ISO 26000)
The standard “ISO 26000” helps businesses and organizations translate principles into effective actions and shares best practices relating to social responsibility, at a global level.
36 Which of the following statements is true? (Sustainability)
A good corporate sustainability report should have several quality attributes connected to Clarity, Business benefit connected to the sustainability work, social benefits achievements, Long-term sustainability goals and have enhanced Credibility
1 What is true regarding TEA (total early-stage entrepreneurial activity)?
It is the percentage of people18-64 years old acting as early entrepreneurs
2 What did you learn from the course regarding salary-substitute firm (SSF) and Entrepreneurial firm (EF)?
An SSF is a firm is in practice much like a conventional employment, e.g., one-person companies providing services in the construction industry
3 In which four parts was the course material and the course book divided into? (Which is also the logic thinking process to start and develop a new company)
1)Entrepreneur 2) Business idea and business plan 3) Start a company 4) Manage and grow
4 In which order would you ideally handle the development of the proposed business venture?
Idea => Opportunity => Feasibility analysis
5 What is true regarding opportunity and/or opportunity window?
An opportunity is a favorable set of circumstances that creates need for a new type of product or business
6 The three ways to identify opportunities are according to the course book….
1)Observing trends 2) Solving problems 3) Finding gaps in the marketplace