B blockers Flashcards
Types of B R and site of action
B1 adrenoreceptor: HEART MUSCLE
B3 adrenoreceptor: ENDOTHELIAL
B1: types of R
- Receptor: on sarcolemma
o Coupled to G protein:
Gs → adenylyl cyclase →cAMP → prot kin A activation → Pi of Ca protein → Ca2+ channel opening →↑ rate of myocardial contraction - ↑ATPase activity
- ↑activation of troponin C → ↑ contraction force = positive INOTROPE
- Pi of phospholamban → ↑ rate of Ca2+ uptake by SR = positive LUSITROPE
- ↑ SA node PM rate = positive CHRONOTROPE
- ↑ conduction speed = positive DROMOTROPE
Gi: interrupted by G inhibitory protein - Vagal activation → muscarinic stimulation
B1: effect of blocker depends on
o Absorption
o Binding ability
o Generation of metabolites
o Extend of inhibition of B-R
Secondary effects of B blockade
o Rapid relaxation: ↑ Ca2+ uptake and rapid ↓ in cytosolic [Ca2+]
o ↓HR and force of contraction: ↑cAMP → ↑ Pi of troponin-I → shorter interaction of actin and myosin
o ↓ myocardial O2 consumption: switch to O2 conserving glucose (vs O2-wasting FAs)
o ↑# of B-R (sustained tx): can explain improved systolic fct
B2 receptors
- Receptors: 20-25% of myocardial B-R
o Upregulation in HF
Effect of B2
hypotension + vasodilation
Effect of B3
mediated vasodilation induced by NO
What is B turnoff mechanism
- B-R stimulation → activation of B-adrenergic R kinase (B-ARK) or G prot-coupled R kinase 2 (GRK2)
o Pi of R →B-arrestin recruitment → desensitization of stimulated R = uncoupling from Gs and internalization
o If sustained → lysosomal destruction → downregulation of R density
Turn off mechanism exacerbated by
o CHF: ↑ cisculating catecholamines
o Iatrogenic: B agonists (Dobutamine)
Tachyphylaxis = progressive loss/↓ therapeutic efficacy
1st generation non-selective agents: drugs
Propanolol, sotalol, carteolol, nadolol, penbutolol
1st generation non-selective agents: effect
- Block ALL receptors (B1 + B2)
- Similar effect on cardiovascular system to B1 selective agents
o >marked pulmonary and peripheral effects
2nd generation cardio selective agents: drugs
Atenolol, acebutolol, betaxolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol
2nd generation cardio selective agents: action
- Selective for B1-R
o ↑ selectivity at higher doses
o Bisoprolol = most selective
2nd generation cardio selective agents: cardiovascular effects
bradycardia, negative inotropy, vasodilation
o ↓ bronchospasm
o Few peripheral effects
3rd generation vasodilatory agents: drugs
Vasodilatory nonselective: labetalol, carvedilol, pindolol
Vasodilatory selective: nebivolol
3rd generation vasodilatory agents: effect/action
- Direct vasodilation via NO
- A adrenergic blockade
- B2 intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
Goal of B blocker
counter interact adrenergic stimulation
o ↓ myocardial O2 demand: from bradycardia and ↓ contractility
Cardiovascular effect of B blockade
o Chronotrope → SA node
o Dromotrope → AV node
o Inotrope → myocardial contractility
Effect on coronary flow
- Coronary flow and myocardial perfusion
o B-mediated coronary vasodilation
cAMP formation
↓ [Ca2+] levels in vascular SM cell
o Β-blockade: ↓HR → ↑diastolic filling time → ↑diastolic filling perfusion
Overcome ↓B-stimulation
Effect on systemic circulation
o ↓CO: initial ↓ = 20%
Compensatory ↑SVR → remain unchanged
MAP will ↓ after 1-2 days 2nd to ↓HR and CO
o Hypotensive effects
Inhibition of B-R on terminal neurons → facilitate NE release → ↓ adrenergic mediated vasoconstriction.
CNS effect: ↓ adrenergic outflow
↓ RAAS activity: ↓B-R mediated renin release
Best B blocker for patients w/ concomitant respiratory dz
cardio selective B1 for bronchospasms
o Non selective tend to cause ↑ pulmonary complications
Best B blocker for patients w/ concomitant cardiovascular dz
o Hypertension/angina: not 1st choice medication
o Sick sinus syndrome: pure B blockade dangerous
o Raynaud phenomenon: avoid propranolol with vasoconstrictive effects
o Peripheral vascular disease: B-blocker contraindicated
Side effects
o Smooth muscle spasm: bronchospasm, cold extremities
o Exaggeration of cardiac therapeutic actions: bradycardia, heart block, negative inotrope
o CNS penetration: insomnia, depression
Only for liposoluble B blockers with high brain penetration → propranolol
o Metabolic side effects
o Fatigue: unclear mechanism
Cardiac CI
o Absolute
Severe bradycardia, high degree heart block
Cardiogenic shock
LV failure
o Relative: angina, other agents suppressing AV/SA nodes
Pulmonary CI
o Absolute: severe asthma/bronchospasm
o Relative: mild asthma, bronchospasm, lower airway dz
o Absolute: severe depression
o Relative: hallucinations, highly lipid soluble agent
Peripheral vascular CI
o Absolute: active dz (gangrene, skin necrosis)
o Relative: cold extremities, absent pulse, Raynaud
Other CI
- Diabetes mellitus: relative → insulin requiring diabetes (B-blockers may ↑ blood sugar)
- Renal failure: relative → avoid medications eliminated by kidneys
- Liver failure: relative → avoid medications metabolized by liver
- Pregnancy: relative → can depress vital signs in neonates, uterine vasoconstriction
- Hyperlipidemia: relative → unfavorable effect on blood lipid profile
o ↑ Triglyceride and ↓HDL-cholesterol
Overdose: c/s
Overdose: tx
→ responsive to atropine
o Glucagon: theory, should ↑cAMP
o PDEi: amrinone, milrinone
o Dobutamine: positive inotrope
Duration of action esmolol
shortest ½ life (9min) → need CRI for effect
Duration of action propanolol
½ life 3h
Chronic administration: hepatic saturation → longer ½ life
If higher dose given
o Higher dose of any → longer biologic effects
Active metabolite propanolol
Highly protein bound
Metabolism: general
primarily liver or kidney
o 1st pass hepatic metabolism → liposoluble compounds
↓dose inliver dz or low output states
Penetrate brain barrier
Metabolism: propanolol
100% liver
Lipophilic, least water soluble
Metabolism atenolol and sotalol
100% kidney
Hydrophilic, least liposoluble
Low brain penetration
Drug interaction
o ↑ plasma levels of lidocaine
o Paroxetine ↑ plasma levels → inhibition of metabolism (CYP2D6)