B Flashcards
bacchanalian, adj.
pertaining to riotous or drunken festivity; pertaining to revelry
banal, adj.
commonplace; trite
banter, n.
playful conversation
bard, n.
bawdy, adj.
beatify, v.
to sanctify; to bless; to ascribe a virtue to
bedizen, v.
to dress in a vulgar, showy manner
behemoth, n.
huge creature; anything very large and powerful
belie, v.
to contradict; misrepresent; give a false impression
beneficent, adj.
kindly; doing good
bifurcate, v.
to divide into two parts
blandishment, n.
blasé, adj.
bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned
bolster, v.
to give a boost to; prop up; support
bombastic, adj.
pompous; using inflated language
boorish, adj.
rude; insensitive
bovine, adj.
brazen, adj.
bold; shameless
broach, v.
to mention for the first time
bucolic, adj.
characteristic of the countryside; rustic; pastoral
burgeon, v.
to flourish
burnish, v.
to polish
buttress, v.
to reinforce; support