B Flashcards
Be made for…/ be cut out for….
You were made for each other. I may not be cut out for bright and shiny.
Быть созданным для чего-то
Be quick on feet
You are quick on foot, you can be a comedian.
Остроумный, сообразительный
Burst out
Воскликнуть, разразиться
By your appearance
People judge you by your appearance.
По вам, по вашему внешнему виду
Be up to
My main advice is to be up for anything.
Собираться что-то сделать
Take your hats off, said Ostap, bare your heads.
The guards aren’t blind, and we’re not invisible.
Back to back
I have three meetings today back to back.
Один за другим, подряд
Be in charge of
Mary was put in charge of the child.
Быть ответственным, быть во главе
I just heard the most bizarre story.
Странный, причудливый
Bring smth to a close
Let’s bring this meeting to a close , we need to have a rest.
Закончить что то, привести к концу
Back then
Back then, he was living in NY.
В те времена, тогда
Beat up
He beats up all the boys in school.
Избивать, взбивать
By the time
I’d already left by the time you called
К тому времени
She felt so bad, she was barely able to stand.
Едва, еле-еле, с трудом
We have to blindfold you.
Повязка на глаза, завязывать глаза
Be one up
Иметь преимущество
Be aware
We’re you aware that you can’t leave your car at this parking lot?
Быть осведомленным, знать
Be compelled to
He was compelled to stay in bed.
Быть вынужденным
Ban over
Запрет на
Black out
During the war we had to black out all our windows.
Затемнять, выключать свет
Back up
Is he interested in starting things back up again?
It’s a bold plan that might fail.
Смелый, дерзкий
Плыть против течения
To buck the trend
Поднял вопрос, поднял тему
To broach a question, to broach a subject
Надоедать, раздражать
Перестань мне надоедать!
To bug
Stop bugging me!