Azure storage accounts Flashcards
What is a storage account?
a unique namespace for your Azure Storage data that’s accessible from anywhere in the world over HTTP or HTTPS
What are the benefits of holding data in a storage account?
Data in this account is secure, highly available, durable, and massively scalable.
When you create your storage account, you’ll start by picking the storage account type. The type of account determines the storage services and redundancy options and has an impact on the use cases.
List out the redundancy options
- Locally redundant storage (LRS)
- Geo-redundant storage (GRS)
- Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)
- Zone-redundant storage (ZRS)
- Geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS)
- Read-access geo-zone-redundant storage (RA-GZRS)
List the different types of storage accounts
- Standard general-purpose v2
- Premium block blobs
- Premium file shares
- Premium page blobs
What are the supported services, redundancy options and use cases for:
Standard storage account type
Blob Storage (including Data Lake Storage), Queue Storage, Table Storage, and Azure Files
Redundancy options:
Use cases:
It is recommended for most scenarios using Azure Storage. Use the premium file shares account type if you want support for the network file system (NFS) in Azure Files.
What are the supported services, redundancy options and use cases for:
Premium block blobs storage account type
Blob Storage (including Data Lake Storage)
Redundancy options:
Use cases:
for block blobs and append blobs. Recommended for scenarios with high transaction rates, smaller objects, or requiring consistently low storage latency.
What are the supported services, redundancy options and use cases for:
Premium file shares storage account type
Azure Files
Redundancy options:
Use cases:
Recommended for enterprise or high-performance scale applications. Use this account type if you want a storage account that supports both Server Message Block (SMB) and NFS file shares.
What are the supported services, redundancy options and use cases for:
Premium page blobs storage account type
Page Blobs only
Redundancy options:
Use cases:
Page Blobs
What forms the storage endpoints for your storage accounts?
The combination of the account name and the Azure Storage service endpoint forms the endpoints for your storage account.
One of the benefits of using an Azure Storage Account is having a unique namespace in Azure for your data. To do this, every storage account in Azure must have a unique-in-Azure account name.
When naming your storage account, keep these rules in mind:
- Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and may contain numbers and lowercase letters only.
- Your storage account name must be unique within Azure.
The endpoint format for Azure storage accounts is shown below:
Fill in the blanks for each storage service after the storage account name
Blob Storage
Data Lake Storage Gen2
Azure Files
Queue Storage
Table Storage
What is the purpose of storage redundancy?
Redundancy ensures that your storage account meets its availability and durability targets even in the face of failures.
Azure Storage always stores multiple copies of your data so that it’s protected from planned and unplanned events such as transient hardware failures, network or power outages, and natural disasters.
When deciding which redundancy option is best for your scenario, consider the tradeoffs between lower costs and higher availability. The factors that help determine which redundancy option you should choose include:
- How your data is replicated in the primary region.
- Whether your data is replicated to a second region that is geographically distant to the primary region, to protect against regional disasters.
- Whether your application requires read access to the replicated data in the secondary region if the primary region becomes unavailable.
Describe Redundancy in the primary region
Data in an Azure Storage account is always replicated three times in the primary region. Azure Storage offers two options for how your data is replicated in the primary region, locally redundant storage (LRS) and zone-redundant storage (ZRS).
Describe Locally redundant storage
Locally redundant storage (LRS) replicates your data three times within a single data centre in the primary region. LRS provides at least 11 nines of durability (99.999999999%) of objects over a given year.