Azure Containers Flashcards
What is a container?
Package all code and dependencies together in 1 image which can be deployed and used anywhere that supports containers.
The difference between traditional deployments and using containers is that traditional deployments can take hires and a lot of configuration and manual steps whereas containers can be deployed in a few minutes with no manual steps and only optional configuration to set variables in the container runtime
What image options are there to deploy containers?
- Azure kubernetes service
- azure container instances
- azure container apps
- service fabric cluster
- deploy a vm and manage docker on that machine yourself to run your container
- app service web app option does have a docker container option to pass your application code to it
What is azure container instances?
A service which allows you to deploy single instances of an image on azure. This is not good for production as they are single instances without redundancy.
What are azure container apps?
It’s somewhere between the complexity of AKS and the simplicity of azure container instances. azure container apps are more robust than container instances.
What is service fabric cluster?
It’s another service which has a container option however this is not on the exam.
How Are ACI azure container instances linked to burst scaling?
Burst scaling uses ACI azure container instances to horizontally scale during burst scaling.
How to create an ACI azure container instance?
Create a resource->create container instance->add subscription, resource group,region,name,vm size and the image along with the restart policy, any networking options and tags.
What are the limitations of an ACI azure container instances?
- there is very little in terms of settings or configuration
- no scaling possible
Only really good for poc demos and tests etc.
How can you scale an ACI azure container instances?
Deployed ACI azure container instances are immutable but you can create a new container with a larger sized vm to give you container more resources.
This is a hack mind.
What are ACI container groups?
A container group in Microsoft Azure is a collection of containers that runs on the same host. The resources, storage volumes, local network, and lifespan of a Azure container group are all shared by the containers in the group. In concept, it is analogous to a Kubernetes pod though without the capacity to scale horizontally.
An example could be a web front end accessible from the public internet which can communicate with a backend container which is not accessible from the public internet.
What is a virtual kubelet?
Kubelet plays an essential role in the Kubernetes framework, managing and coordinating pods and nodes. Its features include pod deployment, resource management, and health monitoring, all contributing considerably to a Kubernetes cluster’s operational stability.
Virtual Kubelet is an open-source Kubernetes kubelet implementation that masquerades as a kubelet. This allows Kubernetes nodes to be backed by Virtual Kubelet providers such as serverless cloud container platforms.
Virtual kubelets allow an AKS cluster to temporarily adopt and control burst scaled container instances.
What are
What bash commands are used to deploy the container group defined in an arm template using the azure cli tool?
Create a resource group:
az group create —name myRg —location eastus
Deploy the arm template to the created resource group:
az deployment group create —resource-group myRg —template-file myArm.json
Verify the deployment in the azure portal or using:
az container show —resource-group myRg —name myContainerGroup —output table
What are azure container apps?
Serverless containers, with some scalability of AKS but much less of its complexity.
What options are available when creating a container app?
Very few.
- name
- region
- subscription
- the image source
- number of cores and memory available
- http ingress enabled
- Use an existing, managed vnet
- enable zone redundancy
- which logs analytics workspace to use
What’s the difference between and ACI and an azure container app?
Once deployed there are more management options and services available in the container app such as secrets, http ingress traffic options, domains, health probes, environment variables, scaling options, authentication options etc.
Is simplified compared to AKS but less restrained than ACI.
What is azure container registry?
It’s a private registry to store images for containers. It is private and has authentication and permission management, it supports automated deployment, version control, redundancy via availability zones (in premium plans)
What is the difference between basic, premium and standard azure container registry plans?
Basic and standard are the same features but standard offers higher storage and bandwidth. Premium offers the most storage, bandwidth and concurrent operations for high volume scenarios S well as geo replication , signing images for trustable downloads and integration with private link and private endpoints to directly pull images with single purpose network connections and therefore greater security.
Can you run containers on windows home edition?
No, you need windows professional or enterprise editions.
This means that when creating a container you must bear it in mind .
When developing a container app in visual studio, how do you publish your image to a registry?
From the build menu drop down select publish and follow the wizard.
You can deploy from this menu directly to an azure container app which is nice.
It will build and then if the build is successful it will publish up your targeted location.
Why might you get a 401 error when accessing the registry menu in the blade of the azure portal container registry ui?
You probably need to assign yourself at least reading permissions for the registry using the blades Access control IAM menu and add reader access to yourself.
How to push a container images to container registry using powershell?
Set-AzContext —subscription <the></the>
Connect-AzContainerRegistry —name <registry></registry>
Note if login succeeded message doesn’t appear then you may need to go to settings-> access keys from the blade menu of the container registry and check ‘Admin User’ checkbox
docker pull nginx
docker run -it —rm -p 80:8080 nginx
Goto localhost:8080 to check its working
docker tag nginx <your></your>
docker push <your></your>