Azure CLI Flashcards
What does Azure CLI stand for, and what is its purpose?
Azure CLI stands for Azure Command Line Interface, and its purpose is to provide a command-line interface for interacting with Azure resources and services.
What are some key features of Azure CLI?
Azure CLI is compiled, installable, and available in Azure Cloud Shell. It utilizes a UNIX-style command language, is platform agnostic (compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux, and containers), and is accessible both through the Azure portal and local terminals.
How can users access Azure CLI through the Azure portal?
Users can access Azure CLI through the Azure portal by clicking on the Azure Cloud Shell icon, which opens a bottom frame where they can choose between Bash or PowerShell as their shell. Typing “az” in the Cloud Shell initiates the Azure CLI.
Describe the options for using Azure CLI in deployment.
Azure CLI can be used in deployment either through the Azure Cloud Shell accessed via the Azure portal or in a local terminal where Azure CLI has been installed. Deployment commands in Azure CLI involve actions such as deploying resource groups, listing resources, and deleting resources.
What are some key takeaways about Azure CLI?
Azure CLI offers a concise syntax, embraces the terse nature of UNIX-style commands, is highly portable, typically requires a one-step installation process, and can be run from various shell environments, making it a versatile tool for managing Azure resources.