Aztecs Flashcards
Who were the aztecs?
An ethnic and cultural group who settled in Mesoamerica from the 1300s
Why did altepetl fight each other?
Sometimes, altepetl fought each other, usually to maintain land, to secure tribute or to demonstrate the power of their ruler
How were the Aztecs defeated?
In 1519, Spanish conquistadors arrived in Mesoamerica
2 years later, the Aztec civilization has been destroyed
Where is Mesoamerica?
Mesoamerica is an area which spans the south of modern-day Mexico and central america
What % of aztec society did nobels make up?
How was a new leader chosen?
A council of other important nobels selected a new leader, usually a son or brother or nephew of the old one.
Who formed the largest single group in Aztec society?
The commoners
3 facts about the commeners
Most commeners lived on land or in small towns or villages
They were allocated areas of land to farm which they could also pass onto their children
They paid tribute to the local noble and provided him with services such as cooking, cleaning, supplying wood, fetching water and sevring as soldiers
3 reasons how could people become slaves?
Slaves could be people from other Aztec city-states, captured in war.
In hard times, a commoner might also sell himself or his children into slavery.
People sometimes also became slaves because they had too many debts, or because they had committed a crime
Could enslaved people marry freely and own properties?
What is sumptuary laws?
Sumptuary laws lay out exactly what people from different social groups can wear and own
How did Aztecs show their status?
Through clothes and body ornaments
Lip plugs of gold or precious stones were only worn by people such as nobles, priests and successful warriors
Feathers were also an important symbol of status for the aztecs
What was agriculture like in Aztec time?
By 1519 over 3 million Aztecs lived in and around the Basin of Mexico. Agriculture played a crucial role in feeding this large population
What are 2 important raw materials?
What are chinampas?
Artificial fields built along the edges of lakes and islands
What were professional merchants called?
Where was tenochtitlan built?
In the middle of a salt lake
What was the capital of the Aztec empire?
How many quadrants was the city divided into?
4, each with its own temple
What was the sacred precinct?
The religious centre
What was the sacred precinct surrounded by?
It was surrounded by a wall 500 metres on each side and 3 metres high
What was inside the sacred precinct?
Over 70 buildings, including offices, a school, a ball court, temples, pyramids and racks.
What is a codex?
A medieval book
What is a tributary provinces?
City-states that had been defeated in war
What is strategic provinces?
City-states that had also been defeated in war but did not have aztec soldiers permenantly stationed there.