Aztecs Flashcards
Where were the the Aztecs settled?
Southern Mexico
What Valley was the Aztecs most associated with?
Valley Of Mexico
How long did the Aztecs Last?
About 100 Years
The 3 Advanced Civilzations Covered In this unit?
Maya, Incas, Aztecs
Define Tenochtitlan
The capitol city of the Aztecs Empire
How long Did Tenochtitlan Last?
1325 To 1521
Define Mercenary
A professional soldier who is paid to fight for another country
Define Aliance
A group of countries, city-states or other entities who agree to work of each other usually for common defense or trade
In the early 1300s the Aztecs worked as mercenaries for the Culhucan A series of events occurred when the Aztecs sacrificed the daughter of the Culhua chief. Explain in detail this event and the following events that let to the start of the Aztecs empire.
The Aztecs sacificed the daughter of the Culhua chief and that let to war with Culhuancan and had to run away and they found a new place beacause they saw a sign from the gods.
Despite their warring ways, The Aztecs empire. What is a tribute as It relates to the Aztecs
Tribute is money to Aztecs
War fare was the center of the Aztecs life according to our book. Explain in detail how the Aztecs waged war. Be sure to include how tribute led to a a lack of unity in the empire and how the spanish took advantage of this weakness?
The final step in the the estabishment of the Aztec empire came when they rebelled against the Tempanecs and completed the journey from mercenaries to empire builders. How did the Aztecs accomplish this feat?
The Aztecs made a triple alliance and in 1428 the alliance fought and defated the Tempanecs.
List the social pyramid in order
Ruler, Goverment officals, Priests and millitary leaders
Commoners ,
Describe The Ruler
The ruler was conciterd a semidivine, a half god half mortal. The ruler maintained the empire and decided when to wage war.
Describe Goverment officals, Priests and millitary leaders.
Were people who fought in wars and Priests were people who counducted relligion and served the gods.
Describe Commoners
Commoners were people who were good at trading things.The highest ranking Commoners are professional traders called pochteca.
Describe Pesants
Peasants were 30% percent of the population and were considered inferior to commoners.
Describe Slaves
Slaves were mostly Prisoners of war or debtors. Might be forced into slavery. Unlike other sociteys slaves had some rights