Aztec Time Flashcards
This was the Aztec’s solar calendar and it was similar to to the modern day calendar we use.
Godess of the moon she was associated with the night and the farmers.
A month in the Aztec solar calendar and a month was a 20 day period in the Aztec calendar.
5 extra and usless days on the end of the year they were thought to be unlucky.
the last day of the veintena it was the last day of the month.
A day or it can also mean the warmth of the sun which technically means a day.
A week in Aztec life and a week was a 14 day period in the Aztec life.
A calendar used to tell the future of the Aztecs, it was used as a divinitory tool.
It was a stone monument used to celebrate a 52 year period which was a century in Aztec life. It was lit on fire and that fire lit all the houses and the light in the city.
An Aztec god indetified by fire and wind represented by a feathered serpent.
It was a star in the centre of the night sky and it signalized that the sacrifice had to be done.
A sacred wooden stick which was used to cut open the human body for the sacrifices.
Templo Mayor pyramid.
A religious temple were people worshiped the gods it was located in Tenochtitlan.
pulque beer.
A alchaholic drink made by the maguey plant.
The fire ceremony were the human sacrifice was made and all the light in the city was lit out.
What are the two Aztec calendars and what three parts make up the Calendars?
The two Aztec calendar are the xiuhpohualli and tonalpohualli calendars the three parts were nemontemi, veintena, xihuitl.
Describe the xiuhtlapohualli calendar
It was the Aztec solar calendar similar to ours. It was used for agricultre and planting.
Describe the tonalpohualli calendar
It was the aztec’s sacred calendar. It was used for predicting the future.
Why do you think time was important to the Aztecs?
It was important to the Aztecs because it was all related to the end of time.
Would the Aztec Sun stone be considered a primary source or secondary source?
I think it is a primary source because it is a thing and it is not a secondary source because that is a source that can only be described.
How are the two calendars related
They both do something like telling the future or tell went to plant different types of things.
What kinds of information is on the Sun stone
It tells about five different worlds with suns and how they all died. Scientists predict that we live in the sixth sun.
How are the calendars similar and or different than the one we use today
They all tell time and they describe things like rituals and seasons.
What is the New Fire Ceremony and how did it work
It was a ceremony that happened every 52 years and it accoured to prevent they end of the world a human sacrifice was made and all light was lit out and was lit back from one special fire.
In what ways was the new fire ceremony like the way we celebrate the coming of a new year
The 52 years was a century it was a special day for one person who was sacrificed for them they believed that they would go to god and it was a day were people had a fresh start to a new century. It is like our new year cause we have a fresh start to.
How do the the two calendars influence the way the Aztec live their life
they feared that life would end by the sacred calendar which predicted the future and the other calendar kind of supplied food by telling when to plant food and that prevented famine.