Aztec social structure Flashcards
Each person would have their own Alteplase. People belong to a clan that’s called a calpulli. An Alteplase was like a city-state. The society living in an alteplase practiced its own customs and beliefs and played to their own patron god.
Each Alteplase had its own origin stories and recorded history in a Codex.
A language some Aztecs spoke
Every Multiple chooses a ruler, called a tlatoani, from one of its noble families.
Triple Alliance
The Mexica formed a Triple Alliance with Texcoco, Tlacopan, and Tenochtitlan, They had war with the other city-states. If alteplase was defeated by the army of the Triple Alliance, it was forced to pay tribute.
The most important individuals governing the empire were the Aztec Nobility and the Piplitin. The Pipliting, the upper class, was the ruling class made up of nobles, high-ranking warriors, and high-ranking priests. Among the Piplitin, the emperor known as the Huey tlatoani was the highest-ranking noble.
Huey Tlatoani
The Aztec emperor was elected by the Council of Wise Men made up of the greatest warriors and the wisest priests. The Huey tlatoani was the representative of the god Huitzilopochtli and no one could disobey him
Commander of the Army
- The emperor’s job was to command/run the army, he had to have lots of
strategies and skilled warriors for himself - He had to know the strategy and how to lead others
Head of State
- Before the emperor could make an important decision he would have to call all
the nobles and discuss - In the end the ultimate decision was made by the emperor
Political System
- Often a son or nephew of one emperor would be elected as the next emperor
- However, the position of Huey tlatoani was not Hereditary
- The man had to prove to be a good leader
Tlatoque and Tecutin
- The Tlatoque ruled most towns and cities
- Tecutin ruled smaller areas
- They were responsible for keeping records of newly conquered lands, the tribute held in warehouses, and was owned
Who owned the land?
The nobility owned the land the commernors worked for the land
How much land did they have?
The amount of land that a noble family has is based on their status
What kind of life did they live?
They had luxurious homes and servants
What was expected from the nobility?
The nobility were expected to show people how to act and behave.
What did you have to do if you wanted to have a high status
If you wanted to have the highest status in the city, you have to be either the Eagle Knights and the Jaguar Knights
They were important advisers to the emperor. They studied religious calendars to determine which days would be lucky to engage in activities.
What could boys do?
Boys from all classes could study to become priests
What was the most important job for humans?
The most important job to offer human sacrifices
What power did the priest have?
If the emperor had a dream, the priest would tell him what it means
Commoners were divided into 2 classes; Macehualtin and Mayeques
The Macehualtin or middle class.
The Mayeques the lower class or peasants.
What could Macehualtin do?
Move up and down to improve their status.
Who are Pochteca?
Merchants and artisans or long-distance traders called pochteca.
How did Macehualtin become wealthy?
Became wealthy by through trading
What did Mayeques do?
The Mayeques worked the land of the nobles. They built temples and homes for cities. Forced to pay tribute. Throughout this tribute, Tenochtitlan was very rich
The Tlacotin were the slaves. Some people were put into slavery as a punishment. Able to own property and get married.
Once the emperor would be assumed office so you have to treat him like a god. But could get kicked out if he did something bad
consist only 10 - 15% of the population. They held the power and wealth
Anyone who was not a noble belonged to the commoner class
What was the best way to move up in society?
The best way to move up in society is to get success on the battlefield
What was the goal?
The goal was not to kill, it was to capture so they could use them as human sacrifice and honor the gods
What do the fighters do when they capture 4 enemies?
The fighters who took 4 enemies prisoner immediately became eligible for a higher membership in the society
Men in society
Men did most of the physical work and joined the army when needed. Only men could hold the position of the power
Women in society
Women were expected to care for the household and family. Some did become fine artists and crafts, run businesses, and own land. Women had legal rights and a high degree of freedom. Wives enjoy legal protection from men’s abuse. Women can do a marriage breakup and have automatic custody of the younger children
Children would work side by side with their mothers starting at the age of 5. Girls married around mid-teens; Boys would wait until their early 20’s.
Status in Society
In Aztec society, If you had a huge plot of land, rich clothes, and jewelry you looked richer and had social status. For clothing, the quality of the cloth and the patterns printed on it were both determined by the wear position in society
Education was free for all boys and girls. Taught, religious rituals, and structured classes of singing, dancing, and music. Singing and dancing were passed on through stories, songs, and poetry of the oral tradition.
School for nobles. Sons lived at the schools. Sons would are trained as warriors and difficult for Macehualtin boys. Sons of the pipiltin would be taught how to work in offices.
What were they taught?
They were taught rhetoric, music, history, traditions, how to govern and advance within the imperial bureaucracy, and how to live
What did they have to understand?
They had to understand self control, humility, and unselfishness to better society
What are boys expected to be?
The boys are expected to be leaders in government
Aztec schools for commoner kids
What were the learning conditions?
- Boys and girls were taught separately
- The boys lived at the schools
- There were no books or writing
What were boys taught?
- The boys were taught skills, history, religious practice, and how to be a good person
- The boys were taught warfare
- Boys were taught how to speak and math
Where were some sent too?
A few were sent to attend the school of nobility if they were the BEST at school
What were girls taught?
- Girls were taught how to manage their homes for the future
- They were taught how to spin and weave
- Their curriculum included topics like morality, religion, history, and tradition
Move up in society
killing the enemy was not the point of going to war; what they wanted were prisoners they could sacrifice to honor the gods. A warrior who took four enemies prisoner immediately became eligible for membership in a higher social status.
Status in society
by your clothing, your jewelry, and the size and location of your house. For clothing, the quality of the cloth and the patterns printed on it were both determined by the wearer’s position in society
What does Macehualtin men distinguish themselves as?
Macehualtin men could distinguish themselves as fine to toltecah or artisans.
Artisans would often live in their own communities called calpulli
What did Mayeques do?
They worked the land of the nobles.
What were Mayeques required to do?
They were also required to build and maintain temples of the cities and the palaces of the nobles.
What were Mayeques forced to do?
They received a share of the produce after tribute and taxes were paid, but they were forced to pay heavy taxes.
Who are the Tlacotin?
The lowest in status were the Tlacotin, the slaves.
What could Tlacotin do?
Slaves were able to own property and marry. Their children were free. It was possible for slaves to buy back their freedom.
Aztec Social Structure
Emperor Nobility & priests Merchants, Artisans & Soldiers' Farmers, fishers & women Slaves
Chief of Internal Affairs
The Chief of Internal Affairs was the closest advisor to the emperor and the second in command.