AZ Law.LEcture. 3.16. Arizona.Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program Flashcards
Purpose of the Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program
Improve the State’s ability to identify controlled substance abusers or misusers
and refer them for treatment
Identify and stop diversion of prescription controlled substance drugs
Primary role of the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy in the CSPMP:
Provide a central repository of all prescriptions dispensed for Schedule II, III, IV
and V controlled substances in Arizona
What does Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program include?
Includes a computerized central database tracking system track the prescribing,
dispensing, and consumption of Schedule II, III, and IV AND V controlled substances in
Assists law enforcement in identifying illegal activity related to the prescribing,
dispensing, and consumption of Schedule II, III, and IV AND V controlled substances,
Provides information to patients, medical practitioners, and pharmacists to help avoid the
inappropriate use of Schedule II, III, and IV AND V controlled substances, and
Is designed to minimize inconvenience to patients, prescribing medical practitioners and
pharmacies while effectuating the collection and storage of information.
Who is required to be registered
with PDMP
“Medical practitioner” means any person who is licensed and authorized by law to use and
prescribe drugs and devices for the treatment of sick and injured human beings or for the
diagnosis or prevention of sickness in human beings in this state or any state, territory or district
of the United States
Who is required to be registered
with PDMP-
What health provider is excluded?
Vets are not included
Current registration
Medical prectra
Each medical practitioner who is (1) issued a license (new and renewal) and (2)
possess an Arizona registration under the federal CSA (DEA REGISTRATION) (or intends to apply for registration MUST HAVE current CSPMP registration issued by: AZSBOP
The AzSBOP will notify each pharmacist of the pharmacist’s responsibility to register
with the state board and be granted access to the PDMP central database tracking
◦ Each licensed pharmacist
◦ Employed by a facility with a DEA registration
PDMP registration!
Cannot be transferred or assigned to anyone else
If you’re authorized to access, you may do so only using your identifier and you may not use the
identifier of another person.
Mandate of Utilization-
medical practitioner, before prescribing an opioid analgesic or benzodiazepine CS listed in schedule II, III or IV for a patient,
must obtain a patient utilization report regarding the patient for the preceding 12 months from the CSPMP central database tracking
system at the beginning of each new course of treatment and at
least quarterly while that RX remains a part of the treatment
- The patient is receiving hospice care or palliative care for a serious or chronic illness.
- The patient is receiving care for cancer, a cancer-related illness or condition or dialysis treatment.
- A medical practitioner will administer the CS.
- The patient is receiving the CS during the course of inpatient or residential treatment in a hospital,
nursing care facility, assisted living facility, correctional facility or mental health facility. - The medical practitioner is prescribing the CS to the patient for no more than a five-day period for an
invasive medical or dental procedure or a medical or dental procedure that results in acute pain to the
patient. - The medical practitioner is prescribing the controlled substance to the patient for no more than a five-
day period for an acute injury or a medical or dental disease process that is diagnosed in an emergency
department setting and that results in acute pain to the patient.
An acute injury or medical disease process does not include back pain!!
Utilization mandate dispensers
Before a pharmacists dispenses or before a pharmacy technician or intern at a remote
dispensing pharmacy dispenses CII dispenser shall obtain patient utilization report for preceding
12 months
Items that must be reported when dispensing
Name, address, telephone number, prescription number and DEA registration number of dispenser.
Name address and DOB of the person for whom the prescription is written
Name, address, telephone number and DEA registration number of prescribing medical practitioner
Name, strength, quantity, dosage, and NDC of CS dispensed
Date prescription dispensed
Number of refills, if any, authorized
*The date the prescription was issued;
*The method of payment identified as cash or third party; and
*Whether the prescription is new or a refill.
*The last three are added by regulations others are statues requirements
time for reporting
The board shall allow the reporter to transmit the required information by electronic data
transfer if feasible or, if not feasible, on reporting forms as prescribed by the board. The reporter
shall submit the required information once each day.
Dispenser submits the required information electronically (unless granted a waiver)
When is reporting not required?
CS is directly administered to patient
CS is dispensed by medical practitioner at a state licensed health care facility if quantity dispensed is limited to an amount adequate to treat the patient for a maximum of 72 hours
◦ with not more than two 72 hour cycles within any 15 day period.
CS sample
Wholesale distribution
Facilities registered with the DEA as NTP/OTP
AHCCCS contractors (someone is licenced to provide care for access patients); prescription monitoring; controlled substances; review
A. A contractor shall intervene if a member has ten or more prescriptions for controlled
substances within a three-month period.
B. A contractor shall monitor prescriptions that are filled by members and shall intervene with
both the prescriber and the member when excessive amounts of controlled substances are
used. The contractor shall direct cases involving excessive controlled substance use to the
system medical director for review
Multi-state queries
Note: DO NOT use Multi-State Query, if you only
need data for Arizona, use
Practitioner/Pharmacist Query.
Pharmacists have a standing order for?
for a person who is at risk of experiencing an opioid-related overdose or to a family member or community
member who is in a position to assist that person.
Opioid antagonist dispensing
regulations- policies and
- Documentation of opioid antagonists dispensed under A.R.S. § 32-1979. The documentation shall:
◦ Be maintained LIKE PRESCRIPTION RECORDS - patient education shall include:
a. How to prevent an opioid-related overdose;
◦ b. How to recognize an opioid-related overdose;
◦ c. How to administer an opioid antagonist safely to an individual experiencing an opioid-related overdose;
◦ d. Precautions regarding:
◦ i. Potential side effects, and
◦ ii. Possible adverse events associated with administration of the opioid antagonist; and
◦ e. Importance of seeking emergency medical assistance for the individual experiencing an opioid-related overdose before or after
administering the opioid antagonist; and
Pharmacist education
- Complete an opioid prevention and treatment training program that includes the following
◦ a. How to recognize the symptoms of an opioid-related overdose,
◦ b. How to respond to a suspected opioid-related overdose,
◦ c. How to administer all preparations of an opioid antagonist, and
◦ d. The information needed by an individual to whom an opioid antagonist is dispensed,
Pharmacists regulations
before dispensing an opioid antagonists, shall complete an opioid prevention and treatment training program and include the following info:
- recognize symptoms of opioid related overdose
- respond to suspected opioid-related overdose
- admin all preparations of an opioid antagonists
- info needed by an individual to whom an opioid antagonist is dispensed
pharmacists who has completed the training
- many administer an opioid antagonist in overdose patients
- exempt from civil liabilities
Pharmacist may also dispense an opioid antagonist by invoice to community member is not a wholesale distributor.