AZ-104: Deploy and manage Azure compute resources Flashcards
Introduction to Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines is an on-demand, scalable cloud-computing resource. They include processors, memory, storage, and networking resources. You can start and stop virtual machines at will and manage them from the Azure portal or with the Azure CLI. You can also use a remote Secure Shell (SSH) to connect directly to the running VM and execute commands as if you were on a local computer
With unmanaged disks, you are responsible for the storage accounts that are used to hold the VHDs that correspond to your VM disks. You pay the storage account rates for the amount of space you use. A single storage account has a fixed rate limit of 20,000 I/O operations/sec. This means that a single storage account is capable of supporting 40 standard virtual hard disks at full throttle. If you need to scale out, then you need more than one storage account, which can get complicated
managed disks
Managed disks are the newer and recommended disk storage model. They elegantly solve this complexity by putting the burden of managing the storage accounts onto Azure. You specify the disk type (Premium or Standard) and the size of the disk, and Azure creates and manages both the disk and the storage it uses. You don’t have to worry about storage account limits, which makes them easier to scale out
managed disks BENEFITS
Increased reliability: Azure ensures that VHDs associated with high-reliability VMs will be placed in different parts of Azure Storage to provide similar levels of resilience.
Better security: Managed disks are real managed resources in the resource group. This means they can use role-based access control to restrict who can work with the VHD data.
Snapshot support: Snapshots can be used to create a read-only copy of a VHD. We recommend that you shut down the VM to clear out any processes that are in progress. Creating the snapshot only takes a few seconds. Once it’s done, you can power on the VM and use the snapshot to create a duplicate VM to troubleshoot a production issue or roll back the VM to the point in time that the snapshot was taken.
Backup support: Managed disks can be automatically backed up to different regions for disaster recovery with Azure Backup without affecting the service of the VM.
What is SSH?
Secure Shell (SSH) is an encrypted connection protocol that allows secure sign-ins over unsecured connections. SSH allows you to connect to a terminal shell from a remote location using a network connection
There are two approaches we can use to authenticate an SSH connection: username and password, or an SSH key pair
SSH key pair: a public key and a private key
The public key is placed on your Linux VM or any other service that you wish to use with public-key cryptography. This can be shared with anyone.
The private key is what you present to verify your identity to your Linux VM when you make an SSH connection. Consider this confidential information and protect this like you would a password or any other private data.
Connecting to the VM with SSH
To connect to the VM via SSH, you need:
the public IP address of the VM the username of the local account on the VM a public key configured in that account access to the corresponding private key port 22 open on the VM
Opening ports in Azure VMs
By default, new VMs are locked down.
Apps can make outgoing requests, but the only inbound traffic allowed is from the virtual network (e.g., other resources on the same local network) and from Azure Load Balancer (probe checks)
What is a network security group?
Virtual networks (VNets) are the foundation of the Azure networking model and provide isolation and protection. Network security groups (NSGs) are the primary tool you use to enforce and control network traffic rules at the networking level. NSGs are an optional security layer that provides a software firewall by filtering inbound and outbound traffic on the VNet
Security groups can be associated to a network interface (for per host rules), a subnet in the virtual network (to apply to multiple resources), or both levels
Security group rules
NSGs use rules to allow or deny traffic moving through the network. Each rule identifies the source and destination address (or range), protocol, port (or range), direction (inbound or outbound), a numeric priority, and whether to allow or deny the traffic that matches the rule.
How Azure uses network rules
For inbound traffic, Azure processes the security group associated to the subnet and then the security group applied to the network interface. Outbound traffic is handled in the opposite order (the network interface first, followed by the subnet)
Keep in mind that security groups are optional at both levels. If no security group is applied, then all traffic is allowed by Azure. If the VM has a public IP, this could be a serious risk, particularly if the OS doesn’t provide a built-in firewall.
Introduction to Windows virtual machines in Azure
Azure VMs are an on-demand scalable cloud computing resource.
Sizing your VM
There are quota limits on each subscription that can impact VM creation. By default, you cannot have more than 20 virtual cores across all VMs within a region. You can either split up VMs across regions or file an online request to increase your limit
Azure uses virtual hard disks (VHDs) to represent physical disks for the VM. VHDs replicate the logical format and data of a disk drive but are stored as page blobs in an Azure Storage account
Mapping storage to disks
Default DISK creation VM DISK
By default, two virtual hard disks (VHDs) will be created for your Windows VM:
The Operating System disk. This is your primary or C: drive and has a maximum capacity of 2048 GB.
A Temporary disk. This provides temporary storage for the OS or any apps. It is configured as the D: drive by default and is sized based on the VM size, making it an ideal location for the Windows paging file.
Temp Disk
The temporary disk is not persistent. You should only write data to this disk that you are willing to lose at any time.
What about data?
You can store data on the C: drive along with the OS, but a better approach is to create dedicated data disks. You can create and attach additional disks to the VM. Each data disk can hold up to 32,767 gibibytes (GiB) of data, with the maximum amount of storage determined by the VM size you select
When you connect, you’ll typically receive two warnings. These are:
Publisher warning - caused by the .rdp file not being publicly signed.
Certificate warning - caused by the machine certificate not being trusted.
In test environments, these warnings can be ignored. In production environments, the .rdp file can be signed using RDPSIGN.EXE and the machine certificate placed in the client’s Trusted Root Certification Authorities store
By default, new VMs are locked down
Apps can make outgoing requests, but the only inbound traffic allowed is from the virtual network (e.g. other resources on the same local network), and from Azure’s Load Balancer (probe checks
How Azure uses network rules 2
The rules are evaluated in priority-order, starting with the lowest priority rule. Deny rules always stop the evaluation. For example, if an outbound request is blocked by a network interface rule, any rules applied to the subnet will not be checked. In order for traffic to be allowed through the security group, it must pass through all applied groups.
The last rule is always a Deny All rule. This is a default rule added to every security group for both inbound and outbound traffic with a priority of 65500. That means to have traffic pass through the security group you must have an allow rule or it will be blocked by the default final rule
az vm create
This command is used to create a virtual machine in a resource group. There are several parameters you can pass to configure all the aspects of the new VM
lag to see progress while the VM is being created
VM Administrator specific
We are specifying the administrator account name through the –admin-username flag to be azureuser. If you omit this, the az vm create command will use your current user name. Since the rules for account names are different for each OS, it’s safer to specify a specific name
Public and Private IP
When you create a virtual machine, it gets assigned a public IP address that is reachable over the Internet, and a private IP address used within the Azure data center. You get both of those values in the returning JSON block from the create command
List of VMS
az vm image list –output table
This will output the most popular images that are part of an offline list built into the Azure CLI
Location-specific images
Some images are only available in certain locations. Try adding the –location [location] flag to the command to scope the results to ones available in the region where you want to create the virtual machine
VM sizing
Virtual machines must be sized appropriately for the expected work. A VM without the correct amount of memory or CPU will fail under load or run too slowly to be effective
viewing size by location
az vm list-sizes –location eastus –output table
so Azure selected a default general-purpose size for us of Standard_DS1_v2
Number of vms per subscription
our subscription tier enforces limits on how many resources you can create, as well as the total size of those resources. For example, you are capped to 20 virtual CPUs with the pay-as-you-go subscription, and only 4 vCPUs for a free tier. The Azure CLI will let you know when you exceed this with a Quota Exceeded error. If you hit this error in your own paid subscription, you can request to raise the limits associated with your paid subscription (up to 10,000 vCPUs!) through a free online request
list available resize options
az vm list-vm-resize-options \
- -resource-group learn-0d648c7e-6889-4d0c-b5e6-35906e6bcbd0 \ - -name SampleVM \ - -output table
az vm list
This command will return all virtual machines defined in this subscription. The output can be filtered to a specific resource group through the –resource-group parameter
az vm list-ip-addresses -n SampleVM -o table
Another useful command is vm list-ip-addresses, which will list the public and private IP addresses for a VM. If they change, or you didn’t capture them during creation, you can retrieve them at any time
Getting VM details
az vm show –resource-group learn-0d648c7e-6889-4d0c-b5e6-35906e6bcbd0 –name SampleVM
Adding filters to queries with JMESPath
JMESPath is an industry-standard query language built around JSON objects. The simplest query is to specify an identifier that selects a key in the JSON object.
Stopping a VM
az vm stop \
- -name SampleVM \ - -resource-group learn-0d648c7e-6889-4d0c-b5e6-35906e6bcbd0
Confirm it’s stoped
az vm get-instance-view \
- -name SampleVM \ - -resource-group learn-0d648c7e-6889-4d0c-b5e6-35906e6bcbd0 \ - -query "instanceView.statuses[?starts_with(code, 'PowerState/')].displayStatus" -o tsv
az vm start
Starting a VM
Retrieve our default page
In Azure Cloud Shell, use curl to read the default page from your Linux web server using the following command, replacing with the public IP you found previously. Alternatively, you can open a new browser tab and try to browse to the public IP address
curl -m 10
opening a port
az vm open-port \
- -port 80 \ - -resource-group learn-0d648c7e-6889-4d0c-b5e6-35906e6bcbd0 \ - -name SampleVM
How disks are used by VMs
Operating system storage
Operating system storage. Every VM includes one disk that stores the operating system. This drive is registered as a SATA drive and labeled as the C: drive in Windows and mounted at “/” in Unix-like operating systems. It has a maximum capacity of 4,095 gibibytes (GiB), and its content is taken from the VM image you used to create the VM
Temporary storage
Temporary storage. Every VM includes a temporary VHD that is used for page and swap files. Data on this drive may be lost during a maintenance event or redeployment. The drive is labeled as D: on a Windows VM by default. Do not use this drive to store important data that you do not want to lose
Data storage
A data disk is any other disk attached to a VM. You use data disks to store files, databases, and any other data that you need to persist across reboots. Some VM images include data disks by default. You can also add additional data disks up to the maximum number specified by the size of the VM. Each data disk is registered as a SCSI drive and has a max capacity of 32,767 GiB. You can choose drive letters or mount points for your data drives
Storing VHD files
In Azure, VHDs are stored in an Azure storage account as page blobs
Storage account type
General-purpose standard
Services supported
Azure Blob storage, Azure Files, Azure Queue storage
Types of blobs supported
Block blobs, page blobs, and append blobs
General-purpose premium
Services supported
Blob storage
Types of blobs supported
Page blobs
Blob storage, hot and cool access tiers
Services supported
Blob storage
Types of blobs supported
Block blobs and append blobs
general and premium storage
Both general-purpose standard and premium storage support page blobs. Choose a standard storage account if cost is your primary concern. Premium storage will cost more, but will also deliver much higher I/O operations per second, or IOPS. If data performance is a requirement for your VM, consider using premium storage
Attach data disks to VMs
The VHD can’t be deleted from storage while it’s attached
VHDS are created as ?
.vhd file as a page blob
Before you can use the new VHD to store data, you have to initialize, partition, and format the new disk. We’ll practice these steps in the next exercise
Azure Disks
Azure Disks are designed for 99.999% availability
Ultra disks
Azure ultra disks deliver high throughput, high IOPS, and consistent low latency disk storage for Azure IaaS VMs. Ultra disks include the ability to dynamically change the performance of the disk without the need to restart your virtual machines (VM). Ultra disks are suited for data-intensive workloads such as SAP HANA, top tier databases, and transaction-heavy workloads. Ultra disks can only be used as data disks. We recommend using premium SSDs as OS disks
Premium SSD disks
Premium SSD disks are backed by solid-state drives (SSDs), and deliver high-performance, low-latency disk support for VMs running I/O-intensive workloads. These drives tend to be more reliable because they have no moving parts. A read or write head doesn’t have to move to the correct location on a disk to find the data requested
You can use Premium SSD disks with VM sizes that include an “s” in the series name. For example, there is the Dv3-Series and the Dsv3-series, the Dsv3-series can be used with Premium SSD disks