Axon potential, Muscle, Endocrine Flashcards
J = PdeltaC, units of mol/(cm^2*hr)
Permeability coeff
P = KD/membrane thickness (X), units of cm/hr
Partition coeff
K = solubility in oil : solubility in water
P-type transporter
primary AT, E-P intermediate, Ex: Na/K ATPase, Ca ATPase, H/K ATPase
F-type transporter
primary AT, H pump run in reverse to make ATP
Cardiac glycosidases
Inhibits Na/K ATPase, ex: digoxin, digitoxin
ABC transporters
primary AT, MDR and CFTR receptors
Reflection coeff (sigma)
= 0 (permeable solute), = 1 (impermeable solute)
Nernst equation
GHK equation
connects Z-lines to thick filaments, runs from M-line to Z-line, provides horizontal stability
Sets length of thin filaments to 1.05um, important for anchoring capping proteins
actin capping protein, protects from depolymerization at one end
actin capping protein, protects from depolymerization at one end, anchors thin filament to Z-line proteins ie alpha-actinin
Anchors thin filaments to Z-line