Axioappendicular mm Flashcards
Lattisimus Dorsi
attachments- from lower thoracic spinous processes, thoracolumbar fascia & iliac crest to the floor of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus
actions- adduction, extension & medial rotation of humerus
innervation- thoracodorsal nerve
common spinal cord segment: (C6-8)
Levator Scapulae
attachments- from transverse processes of C1-C4 to the superior angle & superomedial border of the scapula
actions- elevation & downward rotation of the scapula
innervation- dorsal scapular nerve (sensory: direct branches of C3-4)
common spinal cord segment: (C4-5)
Pectoralis Major
attachments- from anterior border of clavicle, costal cartilages, manubrium/body of sternum & aponeurosis of the external oblique to the lateral lip of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus
actions- humeral adduction, flexion & medial rotation (sternocostal portion assists with extension of the flexed arm)
innervation- medial pectoral nerve (sternocostal head) & lateral pectoral nerve (clavicular head)
common spinal cord segment: (clavicular head C5-6; sternocostal head C7-T1)
Pectoralis Minor
attachments- from outer surfaces of ribs 3-5 to the coracoid process of scapula
actions- anterior tilt of scapula; assists with depression of the shoulder & forced inspiration
innervation- medial & lateral pectoral nerves
common spinal cord segment: (C5-T1)
attachments- major: from spinous processes T2-5; minor: from ligamentum nuchae & spinous processes C7-T1 to the medial border of the scapula
actions- scapular retraction, elevation (upper) & downward rotation
innervation- dorsal scapular nerve (sensory: direct branches of C3-4)
common spinal cord segment: (C4-5)
Serratus Anterior
attachments- from the outer surfaces & superior borders of upper eight-ten ribs to the costal surface of the medial border of the scapula
actions- scapular protraction & upward rotation
innervation- long thoracic nerve
common spinal cord segment: (C5-7)
attachments- from 1st rib & cartilage to the inferior surface of the clavicle
actions- depresses & stabilizes the clavicle
innervation- subclavian nerve
common spinal cord segment: (C5-6)
attachments- from the superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, & cervical & thoracic spinous processes to the posterior border of the clavicle, acromion & scapular spine crest
actions- scapular elevation (upper), depression (lower), retraction (middle) & upward rotation (upper & lower)
innervation- accessory nerve(C N XI; motor)
common spinal cord segment: (Accessory n. [CN XI] motor; C3-4 sensory)