Axial Skeleton: Term First Flashcards
Parietal Bone
L/R large portions of the skull
Posterior to frontal, anterior to occipital bone
Anterolateral fontanelle
means fountain
at junction of sphenoid, parietal, temporal and frontal bones
upper jaw + roof of mouth + surrounding nose
alveolar process of the mandible
holds teeth in lower jaw
occipital bone
at posterior/inferior portion of skull
spinous process
single process on all vertibrae
points posteriorly
nasal bone
the small part of the nose thats left
above the nose hole
transverse process
lateral pair of processes coming off all vertebrae
tail bone
3-5 fused bones
Costal cartilage
connects ribs to sternum
made of thyaline cartilage
temporal bone
large skull portion on lateral side of skull
over the temple
coronal suture
between the frontal and L/R parietal bones
Mastoid process
conical prominance of the temporal bone, located just posterior to the ear
inner ear bone
means stirrup
zygomatic process of temporal bone
starting at A and leading to B
A- lateral skull segment, over the temple
B- anterior to cheek bone, lateral to eye
lacrimal bone
bone in eye socket
anterior in socket
just lateral to nasal bone
intervertebral disk
seperates/cushons the vertebrae
referring to ribs
occipital condyles
outcroppings of the back/low skull
just above top vertebrae
alveolar process of the maxilla
holds teeth in upper jaw
styloid process
thin prominance of the temporal bone sits just inferior to the external acoustic meatus
looks like a styletto
palatine bone
posterior hard palate
means knuckle
large round protuberance at the end of a bone
crista galli
superior most part of ethmoid bone
anterior/inferior of brain cavity
stylomastoid foramen
hole inbetween the styloid and mastoid processes
foramin magnum
foramen in the skull
spinal chord goes through this
zygomatic bone
means yolk- referring to a pair
lateral to eyes
anterior of the cheek bone
coronoid process of the mandible
means “like a beak”
sharper tip of the ramus
frontal bone
forhead, ranging back to the parietal bones
zygomatic arch
spans between the cheek bone and the temple
tube-like opening
means passageway
mandibular foramen
on the inside surface of lower jaw, right behind molars
body of vertebrae
main portion on anterior of all vertebrae
vertebral foramen
spinal cord passes through this vertebral part
body (of sternum)
middle 80% of the sternum
superior-most part of the sternum
looks a bit like a condyle
sella turcica
turkish saddle
middle of the sphenoid bone
Posterolateral fontanelle
means fountain
at junction of temporal, occipital, and parietal bones
superior/middle nasal concha
part of the ethmoid bone
lateral, middle/superior outcroppings inside the nose
Temporal process of zygomatic bone
posterior cheek bone -> temple
xiphoid process
posterior tip of sternum
external acoustic meatus
external ear hole
squamous suture
suture between the temporal and parietal bones
inner ear bone
means hammer
palatine process of the maxilla
anterior roof of mouth
head of ribs
- attaches to vertebrae
- next to tubercle
- articulates w/ inferior/superior costal facets of thoracic vertebrae
inner ear bones
has a superior process that C1 can rotate around
posterior fontanelle
means fountain
aka lamboid fountain
found at junction of saggital and lambdoidal sutures
inferior nasal concha
twin outcroppings in the nose hole
inferior and lateral in the cavity
I think it’s it’s own bone
hole through which blood vessels, nerves, or ligaments pass
means hole
supraorbital margin
defines the top of the eye socket
superior orbital fissure
narrow slit in superior eye socket
perpindicular plate
seperates L/R nasal cavity
part of the ethmoid bone
from top to some way down. Stops where the vomer starts, I think
Foramen ovale
lateral to sella turcica
just posterior/lateral to formen rotundum
palatine process of maxilla
portion of the upper jaw that forms the anterior roof of mouth
sphenoidal sinus
sits just underneath the sella turcica
maxillary sinus
space above your top teeth
bounded by the alveolar process of the maxilla, the zygomatic bone, and the orbital surface of the maxilla
superior/inferior articular facets
create a joint in the vertebrae
connects body to processes
2 sets
alveolar margins
connects the maxilla and mandible to the teeth
intervertebral foramen
foramen that runs/opens perpindicular to spine
middle ear cavity
part of temporal bone
between acoustic meatus
sternal end of rib
connects to costal cartilage at sternum
condylar process of the mandible
rounded knob of the ramus
most posterior portion of lower jaw
fits into the mandibular fossa
-3 features
3 parts
- manubrium
- xiphoid process
- chest plate
7 bones of the orbital of the eye
When an ELF has PMS she Zsss
Ethmoid, Lacrimal, Frontal, Palatine, Maxilla, Sphenoid, Zygomatic
- 4 special features
- missing 2 features
has bowl shaped superior articular facets that hold the skull
has anterior + posterior arches
has no body or spinous process
Cervical Vertebrae
- 2 special types
- 2 special features
C1-C7 C1=atlas C2=axis has transverse foramen has bifid spinous processes
Thoracic Vertebrae
-standard features +3
has costal facets- Superior/inferior
has transverse costal facets
-if you look at it w/ spinous process coming at you, it looks like a giraffe head
Jugular Foramen
- foramen
- lateral to foramen magnum
- probably second in size only to foramen magnum
- Can be seen inside/outside of skull. Generally same location/shape on each. Bit smaller internally.
projection or outgrowth from a tissue or bone
going towards some other feature
lower jaw
anterior fontanelle
means fountain
found at junction of frontal and parietal bones
between transverse + spinous processes
more posterior
found on all vertebrae
Sacral Promontory
Superior/anterior ridge of bone
Part of the 5 fused bone structure
Ethmoid bone
perpindicular plate and middle nasal concha in nose extends superiorly into brain cavity uppermost portion (crista galli) visible in brain cavity
mandibular fossa
where the mandible fits into the temporal bone
inner ear bone
means anvil
superior/inferior costal facets
found on thoracic vertebrae
attachments for rib heads
-slight outcroppings on sides of vertebrae on top and bottom-near transverse process
-on bodies of the vertebrae
transverse costal facets
found on thoracic vertebrae
attachments for ribs, found on transverse process
attaches to the tubercle of the rib
5 fused bones
has promontory
only facet it has is the superior articular facet
ethmoidal sinus
- space between the upper parts of the nasal cavities, and the orbits
- bordered by several bones. Frontal, maxilla, lacrimal, sphenoidal, and palatine.
floating ribs
don’t connect to sternum at all
Mental foramen
hole in lower jaw
found underneath canines, or so
true ribs
connect to costal cartilage and sternum
transverse foramen
holes in the transverse process
found only in cervical vertebrae
Lumbar vertebrae
- L1-L5
- Largest vertebrae
- look at it laterally w/ spinous stickout out perpindicular to you, it looks like a moose head
- bean shaped bodies
- extra set of processes
Hypoglossal foramen/canal
basically inside the foramen magnum
one on each side
lateral + slightly anterior to center of magnum
can only see it inside the skull/foramen magnum
sagittal suture
Connecting the L/R parietal bones
Narrow slit between adjacent parts of bones through which blood vessels or nerves pass
Lambdoid suture
connection of parietal and occipital bones
optic foramen
hole in the eye socket
can be accessed through eye socket, or just anterior to the sella turcica
Shallow depression
means trench
False ribs
attach to cartilage of rib #7
not directly to sternum
Carotid foramin
just anterior to jugular foramen
just medial to stylomastoid foramen
can be seen on external skull
superior process on C2, that C1 rotates around
connects body to transverse process
one on all vertebrae
more anterior
hyoid bone
stand alone U shaped bone
supports the tongue
Sphenoid bone
Greater + Lesser wings
contains sella turcica
bifid spinous process
forked spinous process
found on C2-C6
foramen rotundum
lateral to sella turcica
barely anterior/medial to foramen ovale
means ‘plow’
wider posteriorly, comes to a point in the anterior
visible through the nose- lowest part of perpindicular plate
more of this bone is visible from the posterior side
cribriform plate
area upon which the crista galli rises out of
both this, and the crista galli are part of the ethmoid bone
rib tubercle
sticks out by the head of the rib
connects to transverse process of thoracic vertebrae
anterior/posterior arch
found on C1
Frontal sinus
space between nose and forhead, posterior to both
internal acoustic meatus
inner ear hole
just anterior to jugular foramen
seen in internal skull
ramus of the mandible
-2 features
means branch
connections of the lower jaw
has a condylar process and a coronoid process
- 3 types with numbers
- 3 features
12 pair connect @ vertebral column + sternum has a head, a tubercle, and a sternal end True ribs: ribs 1-7 false ribs: ribs 8-10 Floating ribs: ribs 11-12