Axial and myocutaneous flaps Flashcards
What distinguished an axial pattern flap from a subdermal plexus flap?
An axial pattern flap incorporates a direct cutaneous artery and vein, terminal branches of which supply blood flow and drainage for the subdermal plexus. This results in improved survival and ability to create a larger flap
How far can an axial pattern flap be safely rotated around its base?
180 degrees
What is the difference between peninsula and island axial pattern flaps?
Peninsula flaps maintain intact skin at their base, island flaps are incised around all of their edges.
What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of island and peninsula axial pattern flaps?
Peninsula: better protection of vasculature, may be less cosmetic (dog ears from rotation).
Island: more cosmetic but vascular pedicle is more exposed and may be damaged
Can axial pattern flaps be applied directly over bone, tendons and ligaments?
What is the overall survival rate of axial pattern flaps?
What are important species differences between cats and dogs when it comes to axial pattern flaps?
Similar location of direct cutaneous vessels, but cats have a lower density of tertiary and higher order vessels. This translates to less cutaneous perfusion in cats.
Which is the easiest direct cutaneous artery to identify in an axial pattern flap?
Caudal superficial epigastric
Which is the hardest direct cutaneous artery to identify in an axial pattern flap?
Superficial cervical (omocervical flap)
What are the benefits of using of an interrupted skin closure for axial pattern flaps?
Allows for increased drainage, prevents complete wound dehiscence in cases of flap necrosis, permits more precise apposition and tension distribution.
Describe the boundaries of various axial pattern flaps
See table page 1459 Tobias
Does the omocervical or thoracodorsal axial pattern flap have a more robust blood supply?
The thoracodorsal
How frequently is tip necrosis observed when using thoracodorsal axial pattern flaps?
In up to 70% of dogs when used to repair forelimb defects.
Flap loss may result from excessive tension, pressure, or vascular compromise from rotation.
What are some complications reported with use of a thoracodorsal axial pattern flap?
Seroma formation, edema, distal bruising, infection, dehiscence, and distal flap necrosis.
Why are thoracodorsal axial pattern flaps particularly useful in cats?
Cats have excellent skin mobility and small leg to trunk ratio allowing the thoracodorsal axial pattern flap to reach the carpus
Is the dorsal or ventral branch of the deep circumflex iliac artery longer?
The ventral branch
What muscle is included in the caudal superficial epigastric axial pattern flap?
The supramammarius muscle, staying above the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique.
What is the maximum flap length of the caudal superficial epigastric flap?
The second mammary gland.
What is the clinical survival of caudal superficial epigastric flaps in dogs?
The caudal superficial epigastric is a branch of which artery?
The external pudendal
What are some complications associated with the caudal superficial epigastric flap?
Seroma, bruising, flap edema, drainage and incisional dehiscence (30%).
Which mammary glands can the cranial superficial epigastric axial pattern flap include?
Glands 3, 4 and 5 (should be stopped just cranial to the prepuce in male dogs). Flap should be elevated below the panniculus muscle.
What is the reported survival rate of the cranial superficial epigastric axial pattern flap?
87-93% flap area survival.
Is the cranial or caudal superficial epigastric flap more robust?
The caudal. It has a longer vascular supply and the anatomic landmarks are less variable.