Axial Flashcards
The vertebral column contains what bones and how many
26 in total- 24 vertebre (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar), sacrum (5 fused), coccyx (4 fused)
The skull contains what types of bones and how many of each?
8 cranial and 14 facial
The bony thorax consists of what?
12 ribs and the sternum
How many bones in total in the axial skeleton?
What are the 8 cranial bones?
Frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, temporal, maxilla, mandible, parietal, occipital
What does the frontal bone contain?
Supra orbital foremen, glabella, superciliary arch, zygomatic process, squamous region, sinus cavities
What does the ethmoid bone contain?
Cribriform plate, superior and medial nasal conchae, crista galli, sinus cavities
What does the sphenoid bone include?
Superior orbital fissure, sella turcica, optic canal, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, sinus cavities
What do the paired temporal bones include?
External acoustic meatus, mastoid process, styloid process, squamous region, zygomatic process
What do the paired maxilla bones include?
Infraorbital foramen, zygomatic process, largest sinus cavity
What does the mandible include?
Mental foramen, mental process, coronoid process
What do the paired parietal bone include?
What does the occipital bone include?
Superior and inferior nuchal lines, foramen magnum, external occipital crest
Which three cranial bones are paired?
Temporal, maxillary, Parietal
Which 2 cranial bones have a squamous region?
Frontal and temporal
Which 3 cranial bones connect to the zygomatic process?
Frontal, temporal, maxillary
Which 4 cranial bones have sinuses?
Frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary
What is the c1 called?
What type of body does the c1 have?
No body and no spinous process
What is the c2 called?
What does the body of c2 look like?
Rudimentary body with Odontoid process
What do the c1 and c2 do?
Together they form a freely moving joint which controls neck rotation
What is the other name for Odontoid process?
Which is the most prominent vertebrae?
C7, aka vertebra prominens
What’s special about c2-7?
They are bifid
What’s special about all of the cervical vertebrae?
They have transverse foramena for blood vessels
What is special about the thoracic vertebrae?
They have superior and inferior DEMIFACETS for the rib heads to connect
What is another word for ribs?
Os costa
Ribs contain….
Head, neck, costal angle, costal tuberculum
Sternum consists of…
Menubrium, body, xiphoid process
What is the notch above the manubrium called?
Suprasternal or menubrial notch/angle
What is the sternal angle?
Angle between menubrium and sternal body (level of 2nd rib)
Name of ribs 1-7 and attachment
Costa Vera…. Connect to sternum directly
Name of ribs 8-10 and attachment
False ribs… Attach to eachother
Name of ribs 11 and 12 and attachment
Floating ribs….. Don’t attach to sternum at all
What is scoliosis?
Lateral curve in frontal plane
Exaggerated lumbar curve
Exaggerated thoracic curve