Axial Flashcards
compress cheeks
protrude lower lip
close mouth
orbicularis oris
depressor anguli oris
elevate corners of mouth into a smile
zygomaticus major and minor
sphincter muscles/close eye
orbicularis oculi
furrows the brow; draws down the medial angle of the eyebrow; targeted with botox; treat glabellar lines (wrinkles between the eyes); botulinum- prevent ACH release from somatic motor neuron
compress nasal cartilages, flare nostrils
tense fascia over temporal region on cranium; assist moving auricle of the auricle
raise eyebrows
occipitofrontalis (frontal belly)
flat tendon for flat muscles
connects frontal to occipital belly of occipitofrontalis
epicranial aponeurosis
superficial sheet like muscle tenses skin of neck
muscles of facial expression are innervated by?
facial nerve (CN VII)
muscles move the eye in the direction of their name/ straight
muscles move the eye in the opposite direction of their name / at an angle
elevation, medial, and medial rotational movement of the eye
superior rectus
medial eye movement
medial rectus
medial, depression, and lateral rotation movement of eye
inferior rectus
depression, intorsion, and lateral movement of eye
superior oblique
move eye lateral
lateral rectus
elevation, lateral, and extorsion of the eye
inferior oblique
innervated by occulomotor nerve (CN III)
superior rectus, inferior oblique, medial rectus, and inferior rectus
innervated by trochlear nerve (CN IV)
superior oblique
innervated by abducens (CN VI)
lateral rectus
elevates the eyelid
levator palpebrae superioris
elevate your mandible
masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid
depresses the mandible
lateral pterygoid
muscles of mastication are innervated by?
trigeminal nerve (CN V) mandibular branch
moves jaw at TMJ
muscles of mastication/chewing
platysma also __?
depresses the mandible
muscles that move the mandible- assisting in mastication and speech
temporalis, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid (deep to the mandible), buccinator, orbicularis oris
muscles of the tongue -assist in mastication and speech
genioglossus and styloglossus
protracts the tongue, anterior o: mandible at chin, tube inserted into trachea to prevent it from blocking the airway
retracts tongue, posterior
muscles of tongue are innervated by?
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
paired muscles are important in initiation of __?
swallowing (deglution)
muscles of pharynx include
pharyngeal constrictors, laryngeal elevators, palatal muscles
constrict pharynx and push food towards esophagus to the stomach
pharyngeal constrictors
elevate larynx (respiratory system) and fold cartilage over opening of respiratory tree so food only goes down over esophagus
laryngeal elevators
elevate soft palate and open auditory tube
palatal muscles
muscles of the pharynx are innervated by?
glossopharangeal (CN IX) and vagus (CN X)
control the position of the larynx, depress the mandible, tense the floor of the mouth, and provide a stable foundation for muscles of the tongue and pahrynx
anterior muscles of the neck
3 muscles of anterior neck
digastric, omohyoid, and sternocleidomastoid
elevate hyoid, floor of oral cavity, and tongue during swallowing
resist elevation of the hyoid bone during swallowing
suprahyoid muscle with two bellies (anterior and posterior), elevates the hyoid; RMA: depress mandible as in opening the mouth
anterior belly of digastric innervated by
mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
posterior belly of digastric innervated by
facial nerve
infrahyoid muscle that depresses the hyoid
subdivides neck into posterior and anterior triangles, strap paired muscle, deep to platysma
when this muscle works together: flexes neck
what part of this muscle bends the head toward the shoulder and turns the face to the opposite side
each side, sternocleidomastoid
contains part of the subclavian artery, external jugular vein, cervical lymph nodes, brachial plexus (nerves come out/in for upper extremities, skin, and muscles), and accessory (XI) nerve ; space created between trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
posterior triangle
contains carotid artery, internal jugular vein, thyroid gland, infrahyoid muscles nerves, and some cranial nerves
anterior triangle
spinal extensors, largest muscle group of back forming bulge on either side of vertebral column, covered by superficial back muscles, heavy object should not be lifted with vertebral column flexed
erector spinae
acting together, muscles of erector spinae do what
extend and maintain erect posture
acting singly muscles of erector spinae…
laterally flex vertebral column
closest to midline in erector spinae
spinalis group
in between vertebral column and ribs in erector spinae
longissimus group
on ribs and most lateral in erector spinae
how do you name erector spinae groups?
proximity to vertebral column first and insertion point second
cervical vertebrae
thoracic vertebrae
deep to trapezius, but most superficial of muscle of neck that move head, acting together extend head; acting singly, rotate head to side opposite contracting muscle
semispinalis capitis
acting together, extend head; acting singly rotate head to same side as contracting muscle
splenius capitis
most superficial, arise from midline and extend laterally and superiorly to their insertion point
splenius muscles
acting together, weakly extend vertebral column; acting singly, weakly rotate vertebral column to side opposite contracting muscle
acting together, weakly extend vertebral column; acting singly, stabilize vertebral column during movement
acting together, weakly extend vertebral column; acting singly, weakly laterally flex vertebral column and stabilize it during movement
short muscles work in various combos produce slight extension or rotation of vertebral column; make delicate adjustments in position of individual vertebrae and stabilizing adjacent vertebrae; provide proprioceptive feedback
deep muscles of the spine
deep muscles of spine include ___ extensors but not many ventral flexors because large trunk muscles flex the vertebral column and most of the body weight lies ventral to vertebral column and gravity tends to flex the spine
also assists in deep inhalation, short from one vertebrae to next, connect cervical vertebrae to rubs, cause lateral flexion of cervical vertebrae and rotation, elevate ribs
scalene group
members of segmental group of deep spine muscles
rotatores, intertransversarii, and interspinales
spinal flexor, helps with forced expiration
quadratus lumborum
together action of quadratus lumborum
depress rubs
one side of quadratus lumborum produces?
lateral flexion of vertebral column
lie between vertebral column and ventral midline, help contain and protect abdominal viscera, flex and laterally flex and rotate the vertebral column, compress abdomen during forced expiration and produce force required for defecation, urination, and childbirth; thin muscles, layered for strength (sheets/flat); antagonists to spinal extensors
oblique and rectus muscles
muscles compress and rotate spinal column
oblique muscles
flex the spinal column
rectus muscles
tough fibrous band of CT that extends from xiphoid process to pubic symphysis
linea alba
muscles fibers run at an oblique angle to midline
two types of oblique muscle fibers
external and internal
muscles have fibers that run in the direction of your fingers when you put your hands in your pockets
external oblique
muscles have fibers running perpendicular to external fibers (putting your hand in the opposite pocket)
internal oblique
____ of external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdominis form the rectus sheath
encloses rectus abdominis and meets at midline to form linea alba
rectus sheath
superficial to deep of lateral abdominal wall
external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdominis
free border of external oblique’s aponeuroses form…
inguinal ligament
rectus abdominis lies on
anterior abdominal wall
just above the medial portion of the inguinal ligament; space created for vas deferens exits to move to testes, ligament stabilizes position of uterus (exit and enter)
inguinal canal
acting together (bilaterally), compress abdomen and flex vertebral column; acting singly (unilaterally), laterally flex vertebral column, especially lumbar portion, and rotate vertebral column
external oblique
acting together, compress abdomen and flex vertebral column; acting singly, laterally flex vertebral column, especially lumbar portion, and rotate vertebral column
internal oblique
flexes vertebral column (especially lumbar portion), and compresses abdomen to aid in defecation, urination, forced exhalation, and childbrith; RMA: flexes pelvis on the vertebral column
rectus abdominis
compress abdomen
transverse abdominis
contraction elevates the rubs and increases the anteroposterior and lateral dimensions of the thoracic cavity, resulting inhilation; relaxation depresses the ribs and decreases the anterposterior and lateral dimensions of the thoracic cavity, resulting in exhalation
external intercostals
contraction draws adjacent ribs together to further decrease the anteroposterior and lateral dimensions of the thoracic cavity during forced exhalation
internal intercostals
contractions causes it to flatten and increases the vertical dimension of the thoracic cavity, resulting in inhalation; relaxation causes it to move superiorly and decreases the vertical dimension of the thoracic cavity, resulting in exhalation; dome shaped muscle when relaxed; tendon in the center; contraction = flat
three openings in diaphragm?
aortic hiatus, caval opening, and esophageal hiatus
in aortic hiatus?
azygos vein, thoracic duct, and aorta
in caval opening?
inferior vena cava (big vein)
in esophageal hiatus?
vagus (X) nerve and esophagus
nerves release secretions in stomach and intestines
vagus nerve
diaphragm innervated by?
phrenic nerve
strong aponeurosis that fuses with the inferior surface of the pericardium and pleurae
central tendon
muscles of the perineum
external urethral sphincter, bulbospongiosus, external anal sphincter
extend from sacrum and coccyx to ischium and pubis
muscles of pelvic floor
functions of muscles of pelvic floor
- support the organs of the pelvic cavity 2. flex joints of the sacrum and coccyx 3. control movement of material through urethra and anus
a muscular wall at the bottom of the pelvic cavity
pelvic outlet
the name for the sheet of muscle that covers the pelvic outlet
pelvic diaphragm
the area that extends from the pubic symphysis to the coccyx to the ischial tuberosities. supports the viscera and regulates transport; inferior to pelvic diaphragm
muscles of pelvic diaphragm innervated by the?
pudendal nerve
in the true pelvis; contains the urinary bladder, portions of the LI and internal organs of reproduction
pelvic cavity
anterior urogenital triangle contains
urethra and vagina, external urethral sphincter, bulbospongiosus
posterior anal triangle contains
anal canal and external anal sphincter
what separates anterior urogenital triangle and posterior anal triangle
perineal body
helps expel last drops of urine and semen in male and urine in female/ deep perineal muscle
external urethral sphincter
helps expel urine during urination, helps propel semen along urethra, assists in erection of the penis in the male; constricts vaginal orifice and assists in erection of clitoris in female/ superficial perineal muscle
keeps anal canal and anus closed/ deep perineal muscle
external anal sphincter
2 muscles of the pelvic diagphragm
coccygeous and levator ani
3 muscles of levator ani
iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, and puborectalis
largest and most important muscle of pelvic floor/diaphragm; supports pelvic viscera and resists inferior thrust that accompanies increase in abdominal pressure during coughing, vomiting, urination, defecation
levator ani
surgical incision into the vaginal orifice and part of the levator ani; done after pudendal nerve block
what 3 things go through pelvic diaphragm?
anal canal, urethra, and vagina
skeletal muscles young kids learn to control when they are potty trained
external urethral sphincter and external anal sphincter
supports and maintains position of pelvic viscera; resists increase in intra-abdominal pressure during forced exhalation, coughing, vomiting, urination, and defecation; constricts anus, urethra, and vagina
pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus
helps maintain fecal continence and assists in defecation
supports and maintains position of pelvic viscera; resists increase in intra-abdominal pressure during forced exhalation, coughing, vomiting, urination, and defecation; pulls coccyx anteriorly following defecation or childbirth