AWS Services for Volume Flashcards
Big Data
AWS service that solves volume challenegs for orgnisations. Where it stores any amount of object storage with scalability, availability and security.
Amazon S3, AWS lake Found, AWS redshift
Amazon S3
AWS service that helps solve voume challenegs for orgnaisatons by being able to build, manage and secure data lakes faster and more conveniently
Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Lake Formation
AWS Lake formation
AWS service that helps solves volume challenegs for orgnisations by being able to use cloud data warehousing with the best price performance.
Amazon S3, AWS Lake Formation, AWS RDS, AWS Redshift
Amazon Redshift
secure, reliable and price effective object storage that solves large-volume data storage challenges.
Amazon S3, AWS Lake Formation, AWS RDS, AWS Redshift
Amazon S3
scalable and can grow to any size needed for all your big data needs.
durable and can be used to store and retreive any amount of data at any time from anywhere on the web.
AWS service for volume - That provides the following benefits:
highly scalable, secure object storage, cost-effective object storage, http access, centrally managed , store data from any source.
Amazon S3, AWS Lake Formation, AWS RDS, AWS Redshift
Amazon S3
What can be done within a S3 bucket, to separate processing from storing your data in a bucket?
decoupling, Parallization, Datasets
i.e separate buckets for raw data
What can be done within a S3 bucket, to avoid costs when moving data between storage ?
decoupling, Parallization, Datasets
Central Datasets
Amazon S3, AWS Lake Formation, AWS RDS, AWS Redshift
Which service would you use fro unstructure data storage?
Amazon S3, AWS Lake Formation, AWS RDS, AWS Redshift
i.e photos, movies
WHich service would you use to store structured content from daatbases.
Amazon S3, AWS Lake Formation, AWS RDS, AWS Redshift
Redshift for scalabew ay to run differetn analytics in real time.
which aws service would you use for all type fo data to run real tiem analytics.
Amazon S3, AWS Lake Formation, AWS RDS, AWS Redshift
AWS LAke formation