AWS Questions Flashcards
What is AWS Lambda
AWS service which allows code to be executed without the use of servers, automatically executes code after a certain event has been triggered while managing compute resource
What is the use of Lambda
To automatically execute a service once an event has been triggered in AWS
What are the purpose of Lambda execution roles
Roles are used to allow a Lambda function access to a particular AWS service
Differences between using Lambda’s for Python and Java
Python: Lambda function can be written in browser
Java: Lambda code must be uploaded in .jar file
What is AWS Cloud9
Cloud9 is an integrated development environment that allows code to be written, debugged, and ran all within a web browser
Provide two real time examples of using AWS Lambda
- Invoking Lambda functions with AWS SNS notifications
2. Using a Lambda function to process messages in AWS SQS
What is Auto Scaling
Auto scaling allows for the automatic scaling of server capacity so that the applications are able to run smoothly
What is an AWS EC2
Elastic Compute Cloud; allows for a scalable and resizable cloud compute service
What are key pairs in the context of EC2
Key pairs are the security credentials used to access EC2 instances. Private keys are held by the user while public is stored in the EC2 instance
What is Elastic Load Balancing
Elastic load balancing in AWS allows for incoming traffic to be dynamically adjusted so that each EC2 instance is able to receive and equal distribution
What are EBS volumes?
Elastic block store volumes; provide block level storage for EC2 servers, with volume associated with instances able to be dynamically changed
What is AWS s3
Simple Storage Service; scalable storage service provided by AWS created to store large amounts of data and retrieve them from anywhere
Main differences between EBS and s3
- EBS is directly attached to EC2 instance, s3 is not
- EBS is associated with quickly retrieving data
- s3 is associated with storing larger amounts of data for an extended amount of time
What are AWS policies
Policies define the permissions given to users, regarding access to specific AWS entities
What different kind of policies are there
- Identity based - grant permissions to an identity (Ex: IAM)
- Resource based - grant permissions to a resource (Ex: S3 Bucket)
What is AWS IAM
Identity Access Management; allows you to control access to AWS services and resources on your account
Explain the two types of access provided when creating users
Console access - allows actions to be invoked through written code or through a third party tool
Programming access - allows actions to be invoked through the AWS console
Explain the difference between AWS users and roles
Users are given the ability to sign in to AWS console and are used to identify a specific user of AWS, while roles do not uniquely define a person with access credentials, but are used to connect AWS services together
What is the purpose of an IAM policy
Policies are used to define the roles of users and groups
What is a VPC?
Virtual Private Cloud; virtual network dedicated to your AWS, logically isolated in order to ensure security from outside breaches
What is a subnet?
individual section within a VPC use to help categorize AWS instances as public/private, shares common address with VPC (same prefix in IP address)
What is an internet gateway?
gateway attached to VPC responsible for directing traffic to and from the internet
What is a routing table?
Set a rules used to determine where network traffic will be directed within a VPC, according to availability of subnets
What is a security group?
Security groups act as a virtual firewall for instances in AWS EC2 instances for both inbound and outbound traffic
What is AWS EFS?
Elastic File System; file based storage system that is able to be attached to EC2 instance
What is a NAT gateway?
Network Address Translation service; allows for private subnets to connect to service external to VPC while blocking unsolicited traffic
What is AWS SQS
Amazon Simple Queue Service; fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications
What is AWS SQS
Amazon Simple Queue Service; fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications
What is AWS RDS
Relations Database Service; enables users to launch relational database on AWS
What is DynamoDB and what advantage does it have over RBS?
DynamoDB is a database for key-value database for unstructured data (NoSQL). DynamoDB is advantaged in the fact that it offers incredible speed and that it encrypts data by default