AWS CloudWatch Flashcards
What is an AWS CloudWatch Metric?
Is a time-ordered set of data points
I have a custom application, can I publish a custom Metric to CloudWatch?
Yes, you can use the CLI or API.
How long is data available in a Matric?
15 months before it is overwritten
Can you send historical matric data to cloud watch?
Yes, you can send up to 2 weeks of historical data.
If you do not provide a time stamp for a matric data point what will happen?
Cloud watch will add a timestamp based on DateTime received.
What happens to data points less than 60 seconds?
They are available for 3hrs after this they are aggregated for long-term storage as a Statistic.
What happens to data points of equal to 60 seconds?
They are available for 15 days and then aggregated for long-term storage.
What is a CloudWatch dimension?
Is a key-value pair that identifies the matric, you can have up to 10 dimensions on a Metric.
How many dimensions can I have?
Up to 10.
What is a cloud watch namespace?
A namespace is a container for matric’s.
Are cloudwatch namespaces isolated from each other?
Yes, AWS/EC2 is seperate from AWS/VPC
Can i have 11 dimentions for a matric?
No there is a limit of up to 10.
What is a namespace used for?
It holds one or more matric from a common source such as AWS/S3 or AWS/EC2.
What is a statistic?
Statistics are the metric data points aggrigations over a time period. This happens to data that is of high resolution, below 60 seconds after 3hrs data is aggregated into a statistic.
What will a stastic look like?
Minium, Maxum, Sum, Average, SampleCount
Has a stat a unit of measure and what is it used for?
A stat unit of measure temms the data wnat is is, for example seconds, bytes, count, present.
What is a CloudWatch metric statistic period?
It is the period of time the statistic represents.
Are cloud watch metric stat period defined in seconds?
Yes periods are defiend in seconds, 360 is six minutes.
Are aggrigated cloud watch metric stat be available when now using detailed monitoring?
No dfatiled stats are only available when using detailed monitoring.
Can a CloudWatch metric statistic aggregate across regions?
No, data for the statistic comes from the region the statistic is being produced in.
CloudWatch has a number of different functions, what are they?
Collect process, store and graphic metric from AWS systems. Also collect, process and store log files, dashboards, alarms and events.
Cathy recently joined Concerto, she been set up on the corporate AWS account with no access to any AWS resources, Cathy needs read-only access to CloudWacth, how can I do this?
Create an inline policy for Cathy with read-only privileges to CloudWatch or add Cathy to an existing IAM group with read-only privileges.
What will this IAM policy do with regard to AWSCloudWatch, { “Version”: “2012-10-17”, “Statement”:[{ “Effect”:”Allow”, “Action”:[“cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics”,”cloudwatch:ListMetrics”], “Resource”:”*”, “Condition”:{ “Bool”:{ “aws:SecureTransport”:”true” } } } ] }
The policy is a resource-based policy and will allow (cloudwatch:GetMetricStatisticsdata and cloudwatch:ListMetrics) to be called only if SSL is true.
What are the supported notification services for AWSCloudWatch?