AWS Architecting & Ecosystem Flashcards
AWS Knowledge Center
Contains the most frequent & common questions and requests
APN Technology Partners
providing hardware, connectivity, and software
APN Consulting Partners
professional services firm to help build on AWS
APN Training Partners
find who can help you learn AWS
AWS Competency Program
AWS Competencies are granted to APN
Partners who have demonstrated technical proficiency and proven
customer success in specialized solution areas
AWS Navigate Program
help Partners become better Partners
AWS Marketplace
• Digital catalog with thousands of software listings from
independent software vendors (3rd party)
• Example: Custom AMI (custom OS, firewalls, technical solutions…) CloudFormation templates Software as a Service Containers
- If you buy through the AWS Marketplace, it goes into your AWS bill
- You can sell your own solutions on the AWS Marketplace
Developer Plan
- Business hours email access to Cloud Support Associates
- General guidance: < 24 business hours
- System impaired: < 12 business hours
Business Plan
- 24x7 phone, email, and chat access to Cloud Support Engineers
- Production system impaired: < 4 hours
- Production system down: < 1 hour
Enterprise Plan
- Access to a Technical Account Manager (TAM)
- Concierge Support Team (for billing and account best practices)
- Business-critical system down: < 15 minutes
AWS Quick Starts
- Automated, gold-standard deployments in the AWS Cloud
- Build your production environment quickly with templates
- Example: WordPress on AWS
- Leverages CloudFormation
AWS Solutions
- Vetted Technology Solutions for the AWS Cloud
* Example - AWS Landing Zone: secure, multi-account AWS environment, “Replaced” by AWS Control Tower
AWS Well Architected Tool
Free tool to review your architectures against the 5 pillars Well-Architected
Framework and adopt architectural best practices
Cost Optimization
Includes the ability to run systems to deliver business value at the lowest
price point
Design Principles:
• Adopt a consumption mode - Pay only for what you use
• Measure overall efficiency - Use CloudWatch
• Stop spending money on data center operations - AWS does the infrastructure
part and enables customer to focus on organization projects
• Analyze and attribute expenditure - Accurate identification of system usage and
costs, helps measure return on investment (ROI) - Make sure to use tags
• Use managed and application level services to reduce cost of ownership - As
managed services operate at cloud scale, they can offer a lower cost per
transaction or service
Performance Efficiency
Includes the ability to use computing resources efficiently to meet
system requirements, and to maintain that efficiency as demand changes
and technologies evolve
Design Principles:
• Democratize advanced technologies - Advance technologies become services
and hence you can focus more on product development
• Go global in minutes - Easy deployment in multiple regions
• Use serverless architectures - Avoid burden of managing servers
• Experiment more often - Easy to carry out comparative testing
• Mechanical sympathy - Be aware of all AWS services