AWS Application Services Flashcards
Amazon Rekognition
Rekognition Image lets you easily build powerful applications to search, verify, and organize millions of images. Rekognition Video lets you:
1) extract motion-based context from stored or live stream videos, and helps you analyze them.
2) index metadata such as objects, activities, scene, celebrities, and faces, making video searches easy. 3) uses deep neural network models to detect and label thousands of objects and scenes in your images.
4) It helps you capture text in an image, a bit like Optical Character Recognition (OCR). A perfect example is a T-shirt with quotes on it. If you were to take a picture of one and ask Amazon Rekognition to extract the text from it, it would be able to tell you what the text says
Common uses of Rekognition
Image labeling
Custom Image labeling
Face Detection and Search
People Paths
Text Detection
Celebrity Detection
Rekognition Image and Video Operations
Image operations are synchronous and video ops are asynchronous. Image ops are instantaneous. WHile video ops require for the video to be processed first.
How to limit responses for Amazon Rekonition for images
SPecify MaxLabels
Key benefit of Rekognition
Ability to work with streaming videos. It can ingest videos from Kenisis streams, process videos, and publish the outputs to Amazon Kinisis Data STreams for stream processing
Amazon Textract
Allows you to extract intelligence from documents such as financial reports, medical records, tax forms, and university app forms.
More importantly, it allows you to quickly build automated document processing workflows
Common use cases for textract
Creating a search index by storing the outputs of textract document analysis in key value store like dynamodb
Mining text from documents for NLP. It can extract words, lines, and tables
Automating data capture from forms. Textract can extract info fro structured documents such as tax forms or app forms
COst effective: You pay for what you use
APIs for Textract
Synchronous - you have option of passing a document to Textract for processing either as a byte array or S3 object. DetectDocumentText or AnalyzeDocument can be used to return JSON of detected or analyzed text.
Detect API - detects text
ANalyzeAPI - recognizes heirarchy in document such as form data, tbles, lines etc.
Amazon transcribe features
STream and batch mode
Multiple language support
Multiple language transcription
job queuing
cusotm vocab and filtering
auomatic content redaction: can remove pii
language identification
speaker identification
Amazon custom model for transcribe
can build custom data model by providing text as input
TRanscribe medical
Transcribe for medical:
asr service that allows you to transcribe medical dictation, patient to physician, conversations, and teleedicine, available in streaing and batch mode(only for primary care).
ALlows you to build custom vocabularies and redact phi
Amazon translate
text translation service that provides high quality translations(from different languages) without deep learning experience. Pay as you go.
Amazon translate features
Sync and async apis: To asyn process large numbers of documents using a batch job(in 5gb batches). This api is helpful when individual documents in the collection are small, such as social edia postings or user reviews.
For smaller documents, you can run translation in real time.
Custom terinology and parallel data: You can provide custom terminology in a csv file from custom terms in source language and target terminology
Amazon polly
Text to speech. User provides text as plain text or in Speech SYnthesis Markup Language(SSML). Polly reads this and generates lifelike syntax and generates lifelike voice using prebuilt voices in different langauges
Amazon Lex
allows you to deploy conversational interfaces for their applications