Avit 414 Flashcards
What are the 4 levels of learning?
- Rote
- Understanding
- Application
- Correlation
How is information forgotten?
- Fading
- Interference
- Repression
- Retrieval Failure
What are the responsibilities of a flight instructor?
P rovide excellent instruction A dditional training and endorsements S ee and avoid responsibility S tudent pilot presolo thought process F light instructor endorsements E valuation of student P ilot supervision P ilot proficiency
How is learning retained?
Association Mnemonics Praise Repetition Senses
What are the 3 levels of learning?
What are the characteristics of learning?
M ultifaceted
A ctive process
P urposeful
E xperience
Defense Mechanisms
Compensation Denial Displacement Fantasy Projection Reaction Formation Repression Rationalization
What are the different delivery methods for training a student?
Lecture Discussion Guided Discussion E - learning Group learning Demonstration performance Problem based learning
Sport Pilot Limitations
- Light sport a/c only
- Max continuous speed of 87kias
- At least half of the operating expenses
- No comp or hire
- No pax or property for hire
- No more than 1 pax
- No class A, B, C, or D Airspace
- No intl flights
- No higher than 10000MSL
CFI Renewal
Practical Test (one of CFI’s held)
W/in 24 months: 80% pass rate first attempt, 5 students endorsed for practical test
Company check airman
Additional instructor rating
A refresher course
Aviation instructor responsibilities:
- Emphasize positive
- Helping students learn
- Demand adequate standards
- Provide excellent instruction
- Avit safety
What are the different types of critique?
Self critique Small group critique Student led critique Individual critique on a student by another Instructor/student Written
Two predominant learning theories
Theory X / Y
Student Pilot limitations:
May not:
- Carry pax
- Carry property for comp/hire
- Fly for comp/hire
- In furtherance of a business
- Fly internationally
- < 3sm day , < 5sm night
- W/o visual reference to the surface
- Exceed any CFI limitations
CFI reinstatement after expired certificate
Additional CFI rating
Practical test
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
- Biological
- Safety / security
- Love / belongingness
- Self esteem
- Self actualization
Private pilot limitations:
- Incidental to business is ok
- No pax / property for comp / hire
- Pro rata share
- Charitable non profit organization
- No comp / hire
- Reimbursed for search / location ops
- Aircraft salesman if > 200 hours
- A/c towing a glider
- Production test flights of light sport a/c
What are the laws / principles of learning?
R eadiness E ffect E xercise P rimacy I ntensity R ecency
How does usage affect memory?
What types of questions should be avoided?
Trick questions Toss ups Bewilderment Oversized Puzzle YES / NO
What are the steps of the teaching process?
What are qualities of a good introduction?
Attention getter
What are qualities of a professional?
- Sincerity
- Acceptance of student
- Personal appearance / habits
- Demeanor
- Language
Organization of a lesson consists of what?