Aviation Security SOPs Flashcards
Access Control - Authorised Access
Etihad staff
Service providers/contractors (cleaners, catering etc)
Passengers with valid boarding pass
Police, customer and immigration authorise
Inspectors/Auditors on duty (GCAA, CAA)
Aircraft Security Search
During pre passenger boarding checks
CC checks the Cabin, Galley, Lavatories and Crew Rest Compartment
Purpose of Security Search (Findings)
Purpose of security search is to find
Prohibited items (not allowed on aircraft)
Suspicious items (found an object in a suspicious place)
Suspicious substances
Unauthorised people
Left behind item
Pre Flight Security Search (chapter 4 page 4 CCQRH)
to be performed before every flight (during pre passenger boarding)
100% visual check in spiral motion
Physical search of 5 seats in each area of responsibility (can be the same seats whilst you do your safety security checks)
All accessible compartment
100% visual check of baby bassinet by opening carrier bag
Catering security procedures
Cabin Security Search (what are you looking for?)
100% spiral motion of:
Cabin floor areas, ceilings, walls (side and rear) and bulkhead panels
passenger and cabin crew seats
safety equipment stowage including lifejacket stowage
magazine stowage
cabin divider curtains
video compartments
baby bassinets and stowage
OHSC and all accessible stowage
Galley Security Search (what are you looking for?)
Galley and surrounding area
All carts/containers and its stowage areas
ovens, fridges, chillers, ice drawers
sink areas
waste carts and trash compactors
galley compartments and all accessible stowage
Lavatory Security Search (what are you looking for?)
toilet seat, lid and bowl
doors, walls, ceiling and floor areas
cupboards and containers under sink
vanity/soap dispensers
baby changing table etc.
waste bins
smoking detector
town, tissue, mirror compartments and all accessible stowage
Crew Rest Compartment Security Search (what are you looking for?)
entrance area
stairwell if applicable
floor and stowage areas
escape hatch if applicable
individual buns and all accessible stowage
What is the 100% spiral technique?
100% visual check working row by row from searching the top to below the seats
how many seats are required to be thoroughly checked during Security Search (visual spiral technique)
what is the physical search requirements for seats
- life jacket compartment/stowage
- opening of tray table
- seat area (under pillow, side of seat,
under the seat, under seat cushion) - seat pocket
what is the security search for baby bassinets?
opening the carrier bag to see anything suspicious inside
what does CASS stand for?
The Certificate of Aircraft Security Search
what is the procedure for the CASS document?
- CM shall complete flight duties on the
certificate and hand to Commander
after pre boarding security checks
have been completed - Commander will sign the certificate
- The document will be handed to
ground staff by CM prior to the
commencement of passenger boarding
Where can the Aircraft Security Checklist be located?
VCC - Video Control Centre inside Cabin Forms Folder
what does VCC stand for?
Video Control Centre
Name the “Persons in Custody and under Administrative Control”
Deportee - Deported
DEPU - Unaccompanied Deportee
DEPA - Accompanied Deportee
INAD - Inadmissible Passenger (sent home, never admitted into the country
E-INAD - Escorted INAD
OP- Overstayed Passenger
Procedure post Passenger Offload
- Check all areas the passenger were sitting
or had access to after they were offloaded - Make sure all luggage in cabin and cargo
has been removed - Inform cm/cs/fd
Procedure for someone leaving the aircraft but intending on returning
They need to be escorted with Ground crew and the passenger must have their boarding card at all time to re-enter!
Inflight/Post Flight Security Duties:
Who are authorised to enter flight deck?
cabin crew
Flight instructors
Loadmasters (in charge of cargo)
DFO etc
Without commanders approval - you cannot enter the flight deck
High risk destinations
Procedure for when the flight deck want to leave the aircraft
flight crew will activate seatbelt sign for them to leave the cockpit
Flight crew to communicate to cc via inter phone to open the cockpit
Block the lavatory
For flight crew to go back inside, we have a cart to block
Seat belt sign off
What is the clear zone?
The galley area immediately behind the cockpit which has to be clear from all passengers
Suspicious Behaviour
May be defined as:
Asking excessive and detailed questions
In a room (lav) for a long period of time
Staring/Watching intensely
In unauthorised areas such as crew rest
Post Disembarkation Security Search Duties?
Only looking for left behind items
As passengers leave. Cc will be the barrier in between the passengers (in front) and the cleaners (behind) whilst walking through the cabin do the 100% visual spiral motion check for lost property