Aviation Mathmatics Flashcards
How can you determine distance from a station knowing Speed, Time and Bearing change?
(TAS x Minutes) / Bearing Change = Distance from the station
When tilting the radar how can you use degrees and distance and convert that into altitude of a storm?
1 degree = 100’ at 1 mile (1000’ at 10 miles)
Feet x Distance = Height
The hydroplaning formula V HP=
80 psi
200 psi
V HP = 9√Tire Pressure
At 80 psi, the square root is about 9 (9x9=81). 9x9=81 kt.
At 200 psi, the square root is about 14 (14x14=196). 9x14=126 kt.
Reciprocal Headings: 313 071 181 047 035 199 355
When initial heading < 180 : (Heading + 200) - 20
When initial heading > 180 : (Heading - 200) + 20
*Remember that last digit remains the same.
Temperature Conversions: 0° C = 15° C = 30° C = 40° C = 100° C =
0° C = 32° F 15° C = 59° F 30° C = 86° F 40° C = 104° F 100 °C = 212 °F
° F = ((° C x 2) - 10%) + 32
° C = ((° F - 32) + 10%) / 2
What is the equation to convert ° C to ° F?
° F = ((° C x 2) - 10%) + 32
What is the equation to convert ° F to ° C?
° C = ((° F - 32) + 10%) / 2
Standard temperature lapse rate:
2 °C (3.5 °F) per 1,000’ change in altitude up to 38,000’
Moist adiabatic lapse rate:
Estimate possible cloud bases with a relatively close temperature / dewpoint spread:
2.5 °C (4.5 °F)
Find the difference between the surface temperature and the dew point. This value is known as the “spread”. Divide the spread by 2.5 , then multiply by 1000.
Solve for ISA:
Multiply by 2 then subtract FROM 15 °C.
11 x 2 = 22; 15 - 22 = -7 °C
23 x 2 = 46; 15 - 46 = -31 °C
FL390 N/A. Standard lapse rate is only applied up to FL380.
For every 0.01 in. Hg you change your altimeter how many feet does that change?
From 29.82 to 29.92 is how many feet?
- 01 in. Hg = 10’
29. 92 - 29.82 = 0.10 = 100’
The ATIS altimeter setting (QNH) is 29.79 in. Hg and the local airport elevation is 460’ MSL. What is the pressure altitude?
29.92 - 29.79 = 0.13 (130’)
130’ + 460’ = 590’
As you are descending from FL350 for a landing, you forget to reset your altimeter to 30.57 in. Hg for the local airport QNH. What will your altimeter read after landing?
650’ low
Explain the 3-to-1 rule of descent planning:
3-to-1 rule means that you take the altitude (in 1,000s of feet) you need to lose and multiply it by 3 to determine where to start down. This means we plan to fly 3 NM for every 1,000’ of altitude lost. To use this method, an aircraft should maintain a constant mach / indicated airspeed to stay on profile.
Rate of Descent = 5 x Groundspeed
Explain the constant descent rate method:
Used when you want to choose and maintain a constant vertical speed and ground speed during the descent.
- Altitude to lose / Vertical Speed = Minutes required to descend
- Calculate the distance traveled during the time needed to make the descent. 60 kts = 1 NM/MIN.
GS / 60 = NM/MIN - NM/MIN x Minutes = NM
Explain a pitch attitude solution for descent planning:
Starting pitch attitude at cruise is zero and no changes will be made to the aircraft to affect pich. This method requires two pieces of information to work: Altitude to lose and Distance to lose it in.
- Abeam the 10° nose-down pitch indicator line on the attitude indicator label this the distance you need to descend by.
- Take the altitude to lose and project how far below the horizon this number would be in relation to the distance (10° down) and this is your nose low attitude.
Example: 12,000’ to lose in 36 miles = 12 is 1/3 of 36 so 3.3° nose down
(Distance then altitude)
How do you determine a headwind and crosswind using a scientific calculator?
HW: Wind velocity x Cos angle
XW: Wind velocity x Sin angle
SOH – Sin»_space; Opposite / Hypotenuse
CAH – Cos»_space; Adjacent / Hypotenuse
TOA – Tan»_space; Opposite / Adjancent
What is a rule of thumb when calculating headwind or tailwind component at:
030 or 150:
045 or 135:
060 or 120:
030 or 150: 90% Almost all
045 or 135: 70% Two-thirds
060 or 120: 50% Half
Crosswind Drift Angle formula:
- Convert speed into NM / minute (TAS / 60 = x)
- Crosswind / x
- Mach x 10
- One degree of crab per that number
Add 2% per thousand feet above MSL to your IAS.
KTAS = KIAS + (2 per 1,000’)
NM to SM:
SM to NM:
NM to SM: NM x 1.15
SM to NM: SM x 0.87
To multiply decimals first multiply the two numbers without the decimal. Add the decimal spaces up and apply that to the answer.
You are on a northerly heading and the VOR bearing pointer is showing a bearing of 260. Eight minutes later the bearing is 280. Your TAS is 420 KTAS and the winds are out of the north at 60 KTS. How far away is the VOR?
The key is miles traveled divided by radials multiplied by 60.
- You are traveling at 360 knots GS (420-60=360) or 6 NM / min
- In 8 minutes you have traveled 48 NM (8 min x 6 NM = 48 NM)
- You have traveled 48 NM and 20 radials or 48 NM / 20 radials = 2.4 NM / radial
- Therefore by applying the 60-1 rule: 60 x 2.4 = 144 NM from the VOR
How do you find # of radials per mile?
of radials per mile = 60 + DME
How to calculate degree lead point on an arc:
Degrees = (60/DME) x (NM/MIN - 2 (Turn Radius))
What distance to turn to intercept a DME arc:
NM/MIN - 2 = Turn Radius