Aviation Law and Legislation Flashcards
Signing the Chicago Convention led to?
Formation of ICAO
When was the Chicago Convention signed?
ICAO is based in?
ICAO principles laid down in the Chicago Convention are known as?
ICAO stands for?
International Civil Aviation Organisation
Definitive documents relating to ICAO Articles are known as?
Does each nation state that has signed the Chicago Convention have exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory?
Does a state’s sovereignty extend over waters adjacent to its land areas?
International flights must or should obey regulations of the overflown state?
Do a state’s rules of the air apply when operating over the high seas?
Do state’s have the right to search aircraft from other states on landing or prior to departure?
A state may or may not require an aircraft entering its territory to land at a customs airport for customs inspection, unless the flight has permission to cross its territory without landing?
Aircraft do or do not have the nationality of the state in which they are registered?
Aircraft may or may not be registered in more than one state?
May not
Aircraft operating internationally shall or may display appropriate nationality and registration markings.
An aircraft landing in another state’s territory is or is not normally exempt from customs duty on fuel, oil, spare parts and stores that were on board at arrival and are retained on board at departure?
Spare parts imported to a state for use by an aircraft of another state on international operations will or will not be free from duty?
Should an aircraft registered in one state be involved in an accident in another state, the state in which the accident occurs shall or shall not run an inquiry?
When an accident occurs involving an aircraft from another state, the state in which the aircraft is registered shall or shall not be allowed to observe the inquiry?