Aviation Aerodynamics for Helicopters (Rotary Wing Aircraft) Flashcards
Opposes the downward force of weight, is produced by the dynamic effect of the air acting on the airfoil and acts perpendicular to the flightpath through the center of lift
The combined load of the aircraft itself, the crew, the fuel, and the cargo or baggage. Weight pulls the aircraft downward because of the force of gravity. It opposes lift and acts vertically downward through the aircraft’s center of gravity
The force produced by the power plant/propeller or rotor. It opposes or overcomes the force of drag. As a general rule, it acts parallel to the longitudinal axis.
A rearward, retarding force caused by disruption of airflow by the wing, rotor, fuselage, and other protruding objects. Drag opposes thrust and acts rearward parallel to the relative wind.
Angle of attack (AOA)
Angle at which the airfoil meets the oncoming airflow (or vice versa)
Blade span
The length of the rotor blade from center of rotation to tip of the blade
Chord line
A straight line intersecting leading and trailing edges of the airfoil
The length of the chord line from leading edge to trailing edge; it is the characteristic longitudinal dimension of the airfoil section
Mean camber line
A line drawn halfway between the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil
curvature of the airfoil
Leading edge
The front edge of an airfoil
Flightpath velocity
The speed and direction of the airfoil passing through the air. For airfoils on an airplane, the flightpath velocity is equal to true airspeed (TAS).
Relative wind
Defined as the airflow relative to an airfoil and is created by movement of an airfoil through the air.
Trailing edge
The rearmost edge of an airfoil
Induced flow
The downward flow of air through the rotor disk
Resultant relative wind
Relative wind modified by induced flow
The angle measured between the resultant wind and chord line
Angle of incidence (AOI)
The angle between the chord line of a blade and rotor hub. It is usually referred to as blade pitch angle
Center of pressure
The point along the chord line of an airfoil through which all aerodynamic forces are considered to act.
On the mast, the attaching point for the root of the blade, and the axis about which blades rotate
The farthest outboard section of the rotor blade
The inner end of the blade and is the point that attaches to the hub
The change in blade incidence from the root to the outer blade