Auxiliaries (avoir/etre) + modal verbs Flashcards
Auxiliary verbs
Most commonly used when forming the PERFECT and PLUPERFECT tense
How will you use auxiliary verbs?
In their present or imperfect tense form + past participle
Imperfect avoir conjugation (I)
Imperfect avoir conjugation (You informal)
Tu avais
Imperfect avoir conjugation (He/She/One)
Il/Elle/On avait
Imperfect avoir conjugation (We)
Nous avions
Imperfect avoir conjugation (You formal)
Vous aviez
Imperfect avoir conjugation (They)
Ils/Elles avaient
Imperfect etre conjugation (I)
Imperfect etre conjugation (You informal)
Tu étais
Imperfect etre conjugation (She/He/One)
Il/Elle/On était
Imperfect etre conjugation (We)
Nous étions
Imperfect etre conjugation (You formal)
Vous étiez
Imperfect etre conjugation (They)
Ils/Elles étaient
To be…years old
To be hot/cold
Avoir chaud/froid
To be hungry/thirsty
Avoir faim/soif
To be lucky
Avoir de la chance
To need
Avoir besoin de
To be in pain
Avoir mal
To be frightened
Avoir peur
To be right
Avoir raison
To have the right
Avoir le droit de
To want or wish
Avoir envie de
To intend to
Avoir l’intention de
To have a cold
Etre enrhume
To be happy to
Etre content de
In the process of
Etre en train de
To be ill
Etre malade
To do shopping
Faire des achats
To do cooking
Faire la cuisine
To go for a walk
Faire une promenade
To be careful
Faire attention
To go camping
Faire du camping
To do homework
Faire ses devoirs
Modal verbs
Useful verbs that are always followed by an infinitve
When are modal verbs used?
Present, imperfect, past tense or in the conditional tense
Can/to be able to
To have to/must/should
To want/to wish
To know a person/place
To know something or a fact