Autumn and other Flashcards
Dala som si záväzok, že sa budem učiť slovíčka denne.
I made a commitment to learn vocabulary daily.
Držte mi palce, prosím.
Keep your fingers crossed please.
Budem Vám držať palce.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Veľká kopa konárov a vetvičiek.
A big pile (pajl) of branches and twigs.
Väčšie paličky použila v piecke.
She used the larger sticks in the stove.
Strihala som kvety a kríky.
I cut flowers and bushes.
V lese boli ihličnaté stromy.
There were coniferous (konifer´s) trees in the forest.
Les tvoria ihličnaté a listnaté stromy.
The forest consists of coniferous and broad-leaved trees. deciduous (disidžues) trees.
Vyhýbala som sa, aby som im povedala o svojich problémoch.
I avoided telling them about my problems.
Za 5 minút dvanásť - inak
In the nick of time.
Nedali sme si pokosiť trávnik.
We hadn´t the gras cut.
Hrabali sme lístie.
We raked the leaves.
Dali sme si pohrabať lístie.
We had the leaves raked.