Autotrophic nutrition ( photosynthesis in green plants ) Flashcards
where is the main center for the photosynthesis process? what do they contain?
green leaves ,contains chloroplast
green herbaceous stem, contain chlorenchyma tissues which contains chloroplast
what are chlorenchyma
tissues ?
chlorenchyma tissues are parenchyma tissues containing green chlorophyll
chloroplast under the light microscope
the green plastids (chloroplast) in higher plants appear as a homogenous mass, having the shape of convex lens
the presence of the green plastid in physics
the presence of the green plastid in the form of a convex lens permits the collection of a larger amount of light rays which increases its efficiency to perform the photosynthesis process
chloroplast under electron microscope
( chloroplast consists of:)
1) Double thin external membrane
2) Matrix (stroma)
3) Starch granules
4) Grana
Double thin external membrane
its thickness is about 10 nanometers
Matrix (stroma)
consists of a colourless protein substance
Starch granules
.spread in the stroma with large numbers
.small in size, decompose into souble sugar that translocated to other organs of the plant under certain conditions
.embedded in the stroma
.disc-shaped structures arranged along the body of plastid, linked together by thin membranes
-each granum is about 0.5 micron diameter and about 0.7 micron thickness
.each granum consists of 15 hollow disc or more arranged above each other and the granum os hollow from inside, while margins of another disc of a neighbouring granum to increase the surface area of grana that are exposed to light
.responsible for carrying the pigments which absorb light energy
chlorophyll (A) colour and approximate ratio?
bluish green, 70%
chlorophyll (B) colour and approximate ratio?
yellowish green, 70%
xanthophyll colour and approximate ratio?
lemon yellow, 25%
carotene colour and approximate ratio?
orangish yellow, 5%
why does the green pigment dominates over the other colours in the chloroplast?
due to the high ratio of chlorophyll pigments
the importance of chlorophyll
it absorbs the light energy required for the photosynthesis process
the structure of chlorophyll
-complicated structure and the molecular formula of chlorophyll (A) is
-a relation between the presence of magnesium atom (Mg) at the center of chlorophyll (A) molecule and the ability of chlorophyll to absorb light
why are the pepper colours different?
*green pepper contains high percentage of green chlorophyll
*yellow pepper contains a high percentage of xanthophyll
*orange pepper contains a high percentage of carotene
the leaf consists of three main tissues, which are?
- upper and lower epidermis
- mesophyll tissue
- vascular tissue
upper and lower epidermis
.each consists of one layer of adjacent barrel-shaped parenchyma cells that are devoid of chlorophyll
.external wall of each epidermis is coated by a layer of cutin, except the stomata that spread throughout the epidermal cells
where is the mesophyll tissue located and what does it consist of?
located between the upper and lower epidermis, transversed by veins
1)palisade layer
2)spongy layer
palisade layer
.perpendicular to the surface of the upper epidermis
.consists of one row of cylindrical and elongated parenchyma
.cells are crowded by chloroplasts that arrange themselves in its upper part to receive the largest amount of light rays
spongy layer
.located below the palisade layer
.consists of irregular-shaped and loosely-arranged parenchyma cells with wide intercellular spaces
.cells contain a lower number of chloroplast than palisade cells
vascular tissue
consists of numerous vascular bundles which extend inside the veins and venules, and the main vascular bundle of the leaf is found in the midrib
the vascular bundle consists of?
xylem vessels: found in several vertical rows that are separated by xylem parenchyma (thin-walled) cells
.follows the xylem toward the lower surface of the leaf
.translocated the dissolved organic food substances that are formed in the mesophyll tissue to the different plant parts
Van Neil
was the first person who pointed out the source of the released oxygen in the photosynthesis process through his studies to this process in the green and purple sulphur bacteria