Autosomal Dominant Flashcards
week 6
Severity or mildness of phenotype
What is expression influenced by?
environmental factors and allelic variants in other genes
Chance that an individual will actully develop symptoms
Partial = alleles manifest a phenotype in some
Full = 100% chance
What are the 4 types of mutated allele classifications (in terms of functional affect)
Hylomorphic – produces protein with reduced activity
Neuromorphic – produces protein with new activity or product
Antimorphic – antagonizes the activity of normal gene product
Hypermorphic- produces protein with increased activity
Features of autosomal dominant inheritance
Vertical degree pattern
Multiple generations affected
Each person normally has an affected parent
Male and females equally affected
Chances of affected child for:
Hetero disease x hetero disease =
Homo disease x homo health =
Hetero disease x homo healthy =
Expression repeat disorders
Dynamic mutation in which there is an increase in the number of repeats in a tri DNA seq.
Causes improper protein function
How does slipping and miss paring in DNA replication = increase in repeats
- backwards slippage
- repeat expansion = hairpin
- hairpin repeats incorporated
What does Knudsib’s two-hit hypothesis propose about how diseases are inherited?
Familial = inherit a mutation, 2nd develops somatically
Sporadic = 2 somatic mutations
Rationale and testing strategy for pre-symptomatic testing.
Test affected family member for specific mutation
Confirm diagnosis of family member at risk ( if treatment is avalaible)
Offer pre-symptomatic testing or asses risk for recurrence
Why is gene therapy better for recessive traits? How can it be used in AD?
replaces nonfunctioning genes with a correct function
for AD = antisense RNA inhibition of gene expression
explain the use of gene therapy for AD diseases.
- start with antisense siRNA complementary to an mRNA target region
- siRNA foms a complex that recognises target region
- target region is cleaved
- loss of protein synthesis (loss of function)
What is the gene affected in Achondroplasia and Hypochondroplasia and what is the normal function of it?
codes for a tyrosine kinase receptor that signals growth
What is the common cause of the muation in achondroplasia and hypocondroplasia?
De novo during embryogenesis
What is the effect of achondroplasia and hypochondraplasia on cell function?
- gain of function
-inhibition of proliferation and hypertrophy of chondrocytes on growth plate
-decreased echnodnral classification
Reproductive expression of disease for Herero vs homo parents with achondropalsia.
If 2 hetero reproduce:
-2/3 dwarfism
1/3 normal
Homozygosity of mutant = incompatible of life.