Automata Flashcards
Formal language
i. Strict rules govern the structure and arrangement of symbols and words in formal languages
ii. Every expression OR statement in a formal language has a clear and unambiguous meaning
iii. Formal languages often have a set of rules and grammar that define the valid combinations of symbols and how they can be manipulated
De-morgan’s Law
De-morgan’s Law is a pair of fundamental rules in boolean algebras. These laws describe the relationships between logical AND, OR, and NOT operations.
First Law (De Morgan’s Theorem for AND ):
i. The negation of conjunction (AND) is equivalent to the disjunction (OR) of the negations of the individual statement.
Second Law (De Morgan’s Theorem for OR)
i. The negation of a disjunction (OR) is equivalent to the conjunction (AND) of the negations of the individual statements
ii. ¬(A∨B)=(¬A)∧(¬B)
A grammar in automata refers to a set of rules specifying how strings of symbols can be constructed in a formal language
Deterministic finite automata
A deterministic finite automaton (DFA) is a finite state machine that recognizes or accepts a set of strings over an alphabet
Non-deterministic Finite Automata
A Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) is a finite state machine that recognizes or accepts a set of strings over an alphabet.
Equivalence of NFA and DFAs
Every language that can be recognized by a non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) can also be recognized by a deterministic finite automaton (DFA), and vice versa.
subset construction
Given any NFA, there exists an equivalent DFA that recognizes the same language. This process is known as the subset construction.
Concatenation closure
The class of regular languages is closed under the concatenation operation.
Kleene’s Star Closure
The class of regular languages is closed under the Kleene star operation.
pumping lemma for regular languages
For any regular language L, there exists a constant p (the “pumping length”) such that any string s in L with length at least p can be split into three parts, xyz, satisfying certain conditions. This lemma is used to prove that certain languages are not regular.
Regular Expression
i. Basic Symbols
ii. Concatenation ( Concat )
iii. Union
iv. Kleen Star
v. alphabets
vi. parentheses
vii. wildcard (dot)
viii. Character classes
ix. Escape
x. Anchors ( ^ and $)
xi. Quantifiers
xii. Escape Sequence
xiii. Regular Expression
properties of regular languages
i. Regular languages satisfy the pumping lemma, which provides a condition for proving that a language is not regular
ii. The membership problem for regular languages (deciding whether a given string is in the language ) is decidable
iiI. Regular Language can be recognized by both deterministic finite automata (DFA) and non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) with equivalent expressive power
iii. Every regular language can represented by a regular expression, demonstrating their expressive power
Pigeonhole Principle
The pigeonhole principle states that if you want to distribute n items into m containers and n > m, then at least one container must contain more than one item.
nullable in automata
A non-terminal symbol in a grammar is said to be “nullable” and refers to whether a non-terminal symbol in a grammar can derive the empty string (or epsilon )
two important normal forms
i. Chomsky normal form
ii. Greibach Normal Form (GNF)
iii. Backus-Naur Form ( BNF)
Chomsky Normal Form
In Chomsky’s normal form, every production rule in context-free grammar is of the form A–> BC or A–>a, where A, B, and C are non-terminals, and ‘a’ is a terminal.
Greibach Normal Form
In Griebach Normal Form, every production rule in a context-free grammar is of the form A–> a(gamma), where A is a non-terminal, ‘a’ is a terminal, and gamma is a strong of non-terminals.
Backus-Naur Form
Backus-Naur Form is not a “normal form” in the traditional sense, but it’s a widely used notation for expressing context-free grammars, often used to define the syntax of programming languages.