Autocorrelation Flashcards
What is autocorrelation
The values of the disturbance term u are not independent of each other
What has to to hold to prevent autocorrelation
Cov(ui, uj ) = 0
How many lags to use in time series data
Trial and error, but if they want a full year report then quarterly would have four lags
yt = β0 + β1xt + β2xt−1 + β3xt−2 + β4xt−3 + β5xt−4 + ut
Why might we use lags of Y as a lagged dependent variable
If inertia effects are important - if this year is influenced by what you did last year
yt = β0 + β1xt + β2xt−1 + β3yt−1 + ut
Types of autocorrelation
Autoregressive of order 1
Spatial autocorrelation
What is AR (1)
Where the disturbance term in an observation is related to the disturbance term in the observation before
What does ut = for AR (1)
put-1 + et
Negative autocorrelation on a graph
Successive values tend to have different signs.
positive values followed by negative ones
Positive autocorrelation on a graph
Positive values followed by positive and negative followed by negative
What are the consequences of autocorrelation : Coefficients, standard errors, standard errors for regression coefficients
Does not bias the estimated coefficients
However they will be inefficient
Standard errors of the regression coefficients are estimated wrongly ( for AR(1) they are underestimated )
Any f and t tests are invalid
Spatial autocorrelation
systematic pattern in the spatial distribution of a variable
Difference between positive and negative spatial autocorrelation
Negative - Neighboring areas are unlike
Positive - neighboring areas are more alike
Ways to test autocorrelation
Durbin-Watson test
With lagged dependent variable
Durban watson formula
d =
t=1 uˆ2t
Scores of durban watson tests
d=2 no autocorrelation
d=0 severe positive
d=4 severe negative