Authors (page 7) Flashcards
Gravity’s Rainbow
Thomas Pynchon
The Godfather
Mario Puzo
The Fountainhead
Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand
Interview with the Vampire
Anne Rice
Giants in the Earth
Ole Rolvaag
Portnoy’s Complaint
Philip Roth
Franny and Zoey
J.D. Salinger
The Human Comedy
William Saroyan
The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
Gimpel the Fool
Isaac Bashevis Singer
The Autobiography of Alice B. Tokias
Gertrude Stein
The Winter of our Discontent
John Steinbeck
East of Eden
John Steinbeck
The Joy Luck Club
Amy Tan
The Kitchen God’s Wife
Amy Tan
The Accidental Tourist
Anne Tyler
Leon Uris
Cat’s Cradle
Kurt Vonnegut
Slaughterhouse Five
Kurt Vonnegut
Ben Hur
Lew Wallace
The House of Mirth
Edith Wharton
Ethan Frome
Edith Wharton
You Can’t Go Home Again
Thomas Wolfe
Look Homeward, Angel
Thomas Wolfe
The Bonfire of the Vanities
Tom Wolfe
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Tom Wolfe
The Right Stuff
Tom Wolfe
War and Remembrance
Herman Woulk
Black Boy
Richard Wright