Authors Flashcards
Roman Solchanyk
Ukraine, The (Former) Center, Russia, and “Russia”
Petr Kratochvíl & Míla O’Sullivan
A war like no other: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as
a war on gender order
Emily Couch
Beware the ‘civilisation’ battle
Vasile Rotaru
‘Mimicking’ the West? Russia’s legitimization discourse from
Georgia war to the annexation of Crimea
How Family History Helps Ukrainians Face the War
Olga Malinova
Framing the Collective Memory of the 1990s as a Legitimation Tool for Putin’s Regime
Hilary Appel & Jennifer Taw
Has Russia’s Anti-NATO Agenda Succeeded?
Serhiy Kudelia
If Tomorrow Comes: Power Balance and Time Horizons in Ukraine’s Constitutional Politics
Against Putin and Corruption, for Navalny and the “Revolution”?
Olga Onuch
European Ukrainians and their fight against Russian invasion
Gulnaz Sharafutdinova
Constructing the Collective Trauma of the 1990s (from The Red Mirror)
Jessica Pisano
How Zelensky Has Changed Ukraine
Paul Chaisty, Christopher J Gerry & Stephen Whitefield
The buck stops elsewhere: authoritarian resilience and the politics of responsibility for COVID-19 in Russia
Jade McGlynn
United by History: Government Appropriation of Everyday Nationalism During Vladimir Putin’s Third Term
Serhii Plokhy
The Russo-Ukrainian War: The Return of History
Marlene Laruelle and Jean Radvanyi
Russia: Great Power, Weakened State