Auteurs Flashcards
Jürgen Osterhammel’s definitie van kolonialisme
A colony is a new political organization created by invasion. Its alien rulers are in sustained dependence on a geographically remote ‘mother country’ or imperial center, which claims exclusive rights of possession of the colony.
Jürgen Osterhammels definitie kolonialisme
‘Colonialism is a relationship of domination between indigenous (or forcibly imported) majority and a minority of foreign invaders. The fundamental decisions affecting the lives of the colonized people are made and implemented by the colonial rulers in pursuit of interests that are often defined in a distant metropolis. Rejecting cultural compromises with the colonized population, the colonizers are convinced of their own superiority and of their ordained mandate to rule’
David Landes: begindatum kolonialisme
For the last thousand years, Europe (the West) had been the prime mover of development and modernity
Immanuel Wallerstein: begindatum kolonialisme
16th century rise of one single capitalist world economy.
Kenneth Pomeranz: begindatum kolonialisme
Meerdere core regio’s in de 18e eeuw, zowel in NW Europa als China als Japan. Groeit begin 19e eeuw uit elkaar door Europees tekort aan energie -> innovatie -> industriële revolutie.
John Darwin: begindatum kolonialisme
Before 1800 what really stood out was not the sharp economic constrast between Europe and Asia, but on the contrary, a Eurasian world of surprising resemblances.
John Darwin: oorzaken kolonialisme
Agressively interventionist ideology
- Free trade – utalitarianism – Christianity – abolitionism
New appetites in culture and consumption
Coalition of economic forces
- Credits – cheap exports – migrants
Maritime superiority
Military superiority
David Abernethy: begindatum kolonialisme
5 fases:
Expansion (1415-1773)
First decolonization (1775-1824)
Second colonization (1824-1912)
Consolidation (1914-1939)
Second decolonization (1940-1980)
David Abernethy: oorzaken kolonialisme
Three sectors in the metropole
Public – Private – Religious
Will to expand
Power – profit – proselytization (bekering)
Capacity to expand
Monarchs – companies – missionary bodies
Antony G. Hopkins: begindatum kolonialisme
4 fases:
Archaic globalised networks
Proto-globalisation (1600-1800)
High imperialism
Postcolonial era
Antony G. Hopkins: Oorzaken kolonialisme
Gentlemanly capitalism: Britisch imperialism driven by the business interests of the City of London.
Jared Diamond: oorzaken kolonialisme
Eurasia: long east-west distances
Vs. different climates in Africa
Vs. different latitudes in America
More exchange and wheat varieties
More domesticated animal species
Food supply -> dense populations -> division of labour
Tonio Andrade: oorzaken kolonialisme
Long-standing Chinese superiority
o Song developed gunpowder weapons
o Ming first gunpowder empire
o Europe: ‘classic’ gun in the 14th century
o China prevailed in all early conflicts
Great Military Divergence: 1760-1840
o Europe increasingly innovated
Ships, Renaissance fortress, Industrial Revolution
o China lost position
Peace under Ming and High Qing
Dysfunctional state under late Qing
John A. Hobson: oorzaken kolonialisme
‘Imperialism is the endeavour of the great controllers of industry to broaden the channel for the flow of their surplus wealth by seeking foreign markets and foreign investments to take off the goods and capital they cannot sell or use at home.’
Vladimir Lenin: Oorzaken kolonialisme
Imperialisme als de hoogste vorm van kapitalisme
Ronald Robinson & John Gallagher: oorzaken kolonialisme
Political and strategic
Reluctant and because of the activities of others
To secure against instability
Peripheral and excentric
Politicians rather then masses
Local administrators rather
than metropole politicians
Importance of local resistance
that prompted occupation
Max Weber: oorzaken kolonialisme
Actieve en rationaliserende mentaliteit. Europees protestantisme als actief en rationeel tegenover confucianisme (inactief en rationeel), Islam (actief irrationeel) en hindoeïsme (inactief en irrationeel)
Joseph Schumpeter: oorzaken kolonialisme
Colonialism is irrational in economic terms
Drain of resources from development
Military adventures without meaningul economic return
Social and psychological explanation
Objectless expansion: behaviour learned from other nations and institutionalized by a ‘warrior’ class.
Atavistic and anachronistic
Vs. modernity: cosmopolitan and peaceful
Bernard Porter: oorzaken kolonialisme
Irrationaliteit: absent-minded imperialism
Jon E. Wilson: oorzaken kolonialisme
Irrationaliteit: chaotic imperialism
Niall Ferguson: oorzaken kolonialisme
Edward Said
Historiagrafie: Oriëntalisme. esthetische beweging en oude academische discipline. De orient als de inferieure ander tegenover superieur Europa
Subalterniteit: other to the other, voorbeeld weduwenverbranding, de weduwen spreken niet voor zichzelf.
Hybriditeit, intercultureel contact via kolonialisme.
Mimicry: imitatie, concept om complexe relatie tussen kolonisator en gekoloniseerde uit te leggen.
Aníbal Quijano
Coloniality of knowledge.
Colonial Matrix of Power
Economic: land, labor, finance
Political: state, military
Civic: Christian family values
Epistemic: control of knowledge and subjectivity, including Christian and modern rational thought and the devaluation of non-Western cosmologies and epistemologies
Coloniality & Modernity
Coloniality is not opposed to modernity
Coloniality does not precede modernity
María Lugones
Gender en intersectionaliteit moeten meegenomen worden in analyse van kolonialisme.
Walter Mignolo
Verschil kolonialisme en kolonialiteit:
Kolonialisme = feitelijke historische gebeurtenis
Kolonialiteit = logische structuur van koloniale macht, is vaak nog aanwezig lang na dekolonisatie. Nieuwe missie: dekolonialiteit.